Indifference; Rememberance

"fear not your enemies
they can only kill you,
fear not your friends,
they can only betray you
fear only, the indifferent
who permit
the killers,
and the betrayers"
edward yashisky
a holocaust survivor,

Dear World,

As I watch the world, and I wonder.
The past is the past,
it is true.
And with the hands of time,
the past is softened like a stone
in the sea. There are still people
out there who Remember,
called survivors.  But still,
there is indifference. I have
hope in you world, though
indifference maybe
one of the worst things.
I implore, you all, to
impart your wisdoms, of good
and bad, to your children.
From the past, we learn lessons for the
Anne Frank

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June 24, 2011

i met someone who was in a c camp. she was so gentle and beautiful.