i have discovered i am not interesting

I find things interesting. i have even put some of them here on OD, but having flicked through many, i don’t find myself interesting.

I miss a lot of things in life.

My best friend, who died over 7 years ago. 

My girlfriend, who lives over 5 hours away.

My friends, who i am as guilty of not contacting as they are me.

The people who made me a better thinker, writer, kisser, speaker, lover, singer, actor, teacher…

I miss being spontaneous, and i have lost the ability.

I miss writing on here, when i’m on here. And i still miss the sensation i got when i was writing music. I still have no new songs bursting to come out. I worry this is a reflection on my soul or something melodramatic. I fear it’s simply a reflection of my very average musical ability.

Tell me how and i’ll add one of my songs on here. Not me singing, that would be too self-indulgent and wanky. i mean one from my musical, sung much more appropriately by someone else.


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February 16, 2012

to me it sounds like you need to get out of your funk! maybe go on a random trip or something fun like that! get out of your comfort zone and go have some fun!

If you see a show or something being advertised then go to it. First person you meet, randomly introduce yourself. Just go from there. Do things you normally wouldn’t consider doing. Within reason, of course.