80 Day WLC – Day 6
What is your favorite unhealthy food?
Wow….seriously?? There’s no way I can answer this with just one food, or food type. It depends on my mood, on what’s available, on what I’m craving. Usually it’s carbs….crackers, chips and dip, things like that. Sometimes I get horrible sugar cravings, so then it’s cookies or cupcakes or cake or pie. The way I try to combat these cravings is simple….I keep as little carb snacks in the house as possible, and I stock up on sugar-free pudding and yogurt. I also try to keep fruit in the house. I can’t eat a lot of fruit becaue of the affect it has on my blood sugar, but it’s better for me than ice cream or cookies, etc.
So today I’m doing the vegan day. So far today I’ve had an apple and some mixed nuts to eat. Yes, Carina, I know you’re going to lecture me that that’s not enough to eat, but honestly, right now it’s all I’ve wanted. I’m still sick, so I’m not that hungry. I’m drinking lots of water, though, and I’m feeling okay and my blood sugar is actually fantastic!
I’m thinking of having some soup for dinner. It’s tomato bisque, which might not meet Vegan standards, so if it doesn’t, then I’ll have had a vegetarian day instead of a vegan day. Good enough for me.
Oh, I talked to the girl (Kim) at AAA….I have an appointment for testing next Thursday!! I’m pretty excited about it, to tell you the truth. And if it’s God’s will, then the job will be mine.
I’ve always been horrible at keeping track of my blood sugars because I’m bad about writing stuff down. So I found a fabulous app for my cell phone, it’s called Glucose Buddy, and it’s awesome!! I can keep track of my sugars on it, my meds, my weight, my exercise…it is the bomb-diggity!! I love it! Carina…..download it, you’ll love it!!
So today I’m home sick still. I swear I’ve slept more in the past 48 hours than I ever have…but I’m starting to feel better. It’s true what the doctor’s say….sleep and fluids and ibuprofen make the world go round.
And on that note….I think I’m gonna go lay down….again! Hope you’re all having a wonderful day! xoxo
oooh, i look forward to hearing about the testing for the job! it’s going to go awesomely, i know it 😀 glad you feel better, keep doing that! 😉 🙂 *big hugs*
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I won’t lecture you this time, cuz you’re sick. But LOL @ you knowing usually I would. 🙂
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