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Ten Reasons Why Senior Year has sucked.

1. Removal from Designing Yankees

2. Removal from Stage Managing the Operas

3. Complete rejection/dismissal of my studio dance project idea (which is ironic considering #1)

4. Removal from Mueller Hall

5. Removal from AT

6. LAck of Pipedreams TD work and LightShop… at the exact moment when there was actually work to be done!

7. Inability to even audition for dance ensemble and thodos because of Lighting for Opera

8. Severe Lack of Income… and a crappy Cub Foods Cashier Job that I won’t go back to… ever.

9. Boys Suck….

10. Complete Bordom both intellectually and creatively.


I scheduled auditions for Wednesday… I have no dance piece ready for them… i have ideas but nothing that is full of the fire that I need.

I’m going to go do laundry and clean…  probably watch Chicago for the zillionth time in the past three weeks… that movie has been the only consistantly sane and happy thing in my life as of late…


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January 31, 2005

Hey! We’ve got half of senior year left, and I’m sure sooner or later you’ll start enjoy it!! AND THEN WE GRADUATE!!!

I still love you 🙂 K