its done?

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today i FINALLY finished my 3rd ‘full length’ ‘movie’… Sweet Charity is finally done… and tomorrow i will burn CDs and clear up 4 Gigs of my hard drive.

I also sorted my document files today… wow, that was a job… threw out a lot of junk in teh pictures and word files….

I realized that i must have had some kind of social breakthough in the past month… because i have absolutely no desire to call anyone from teh jvl area.  sorry kids… no motivation.  but dont get me wrong, if they ever called this way, i’d probably take an evening off from chilling in my room and actually go out.

I need to figure out what i’m doing for new years… i think i might end up going down to Dawn’s house… somewhere.. but sinc ei’m not entirely sure who else is going, it would be a big step into the unknown…ah well.. i have a day or so to decide.

I bought new shoes today… essentially the replacements for the red tennies… who need to be phased out… these new ones are Black with Red highlights… basically the same tho…

My “I <3 Mueller Hall” made it into millikin quarterly… the alumni magazine.  That made a proud graffetti artist happy today.  😀

I also read some of the alumni ‘where are they now’s’…. good information… useful.

anyways, i must go to bed… its after 2am.. and i promised myself to try and stay on a normal schedule.



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January 1, 2005

did you read the article with the pictures? more danceing and BS, kinda maddening