

sorry our internet has been out at the honors house where i’m staying… So now ii’m on dial up through my parents account on aol… yeah for that… no.

internet access is going to be included with every contract i sign. or else they’re gonna pay for me to get an account or something.. rarg.

life is okay. parents came to visit a couple days ago.. yay free food, and a chance to see them (hadn’t seen dad/eric since spring break). 

yeah for new guy hired for lighting design position… there is hope for us still… maybe he’ll want to rent cool shit for secret garden… and then we could rent more cool shit for yankees…

they’ve got scrollers and studio spots here… I want to eventually ask gavin (the ME) to give me a crash course in playiing with them on a strand board…

the organization here is far less then perfect..  Its a problem with thinking deeply thorugh some things and schedule ‘detailing’.  ah well.  I actually get quite irriated when i realize that things could be going smoother if I had any say in it.

so therefore, i tend to feel a little useless. Actualy after teh first tech, i fumed for about an hour because of how much i felt underused.  I wanted to help, but you know how too many hands in …… or whatever the phrase is…

so for now i waste time zoning out, over-planning for G&D, or i guess zoning out… I’ve tried reading the Jackson’ script like 5 times but i dont have the concentration for that… I think i’m going to start to work on knitting pretty soon… bah.  even though i still suck at it.

anwyas, production meeting tomorrow.  hopefully i can get some attention brought over to guys and dolls even though everyone is worried about 3-penny.





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June 15, 2004

Look on the bright side, you could be compleatly over-worked and dieing again!

yes. and don’t you only have a few weeks left there? …at least you’re not working all day outside in 90+ degrees with 100% humidity… …although I guess working with really unorganized people would be just about as bad…hopefully you’ll get through to them and take charge. good luck! EB