good day.

it was a good day.. i did stuff… i went on errands, i worked on going through my magazines (gotta cut out shit before I donate them to the mueller collection.)… i worked on music, worked on dance, and worked on teh charity video… yes yes.. the charity video is eating my soul it alsmost seems like…. my problem is that i cant get a good overall ‘flow’ from bit to bit… and i’m questioning where to go now, cuz i need to pick underscoring before i can go any further… and after i figure that out and rough in the memoirs and clippets for that bit, it has to lead into the rhythm of life number.. but i haven’t decided if i want to open ROL with ‘rehearsal footage or show footage… cuz the transfer to the show would be cool, but the lights up on the car and the fog is really cool too… arg… perhaps i’ll end up editing together that damn thing and then go back and fill in the filler… my other problem is that i need to get some of the sound levels fixed up, wich isn’t hard, its just tedious to match them all… I figure by the time i’m done, i think this is going to be a 10-12 file show… so… probably 40 minutes to an hour… its hard to tell right now since i haven’t actually compresed files and added the beginning and ending blackouts… my goal was to have the video done before school starts, but i highly doubt that its going to happen now… the problem is that i really need to push it to get the damn thing done cuz 1) the cast needs to see it, 2) if i wait too long then i’m gonna get busy with other stuff… and 3) cuz its gonna be cool and coolness can’t wait. 🙂


well. 2 days left… i think tomorrow will be laundry, more video, maybe another box of mom’s music, maybe another couple magazines to cut out the witty stuff… i really need to figure out what it is that i want to collage next…

and in other news, i went to the libary and bought more used books today… the best one is probably the book about Burnout— how to survive burnout or something… i think i might be reading it and then leaving it in the cadd lab… cuz i know a lot of techs that also experience burn out…

well, night time calls.. gotta get my ass outta bed at a decent time…


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January 15, 2004

regarding a collage, i saw this awesome advertisement, for i dont even know what… but it had a little ballerina on top of a music box and there was a nutcracker beside her… and she had her leg around him leaning over… it looked like she was humping the nutcracker… awesome awesome awesome. thought you might enjoy hearing about it… 😀 youre almost done with janesburg. how’d your party go?