I wonder what 2014 will be like

I haven’t written since before Christmas, and that was nearly a month ago. I miss writing. Christmas this year went by without too much fuss. Usually we end up in accident and emergency, or there is a family war, but this year it all went very smoothly. New Year also was a quiet affair. I have but one New Year’s Resolution this year, and that is to sort out finances. Wheels are already in motion. I may, or may not, decide to expand on that in some future entry.

I suppose we are over the worst of winter now. Days are getting longer. This time of year is good, because I loath winter. I’m pleased to say we seem to have escaped the terrifying weather experienced in North America this year. We did however have a few storms and our roof sprung a couple of leaks. We’ve had some serious repair work done, and luckily the insurance covers it.

I wonder what 2014 will be like. I think new years should begin in Spring. I could be far more positive about a new year that began with cherry blossom and going to work in the sunshine. Skeletal trees, ice, and dark mornings are not conducive to a positive outlook. Come to think of it, it’s just about the worst time to make resolutions too.

I read in the Independent this morning that there is speculation mounting about the possibility of the Queen stepping aside this year. It all seems to be based on the fact that person or persons unknown from the Windsor area have put a sizeable wager on a 2014 abdication. Coral Bookmakers have now stopped taking bets in case there is some inside knowledge at work. I quite like the Queen, though I think I’m essentially a republican. The alternative is too awful to contemplate.

I love the story of a nun who gave birth in Italy this week. I’ve read several reports and none of them have been brave enough to mention virgin birth. It seems that he nun in question was not aware that she was pregnant, but was taken to hospital with stomach pains. She subsequently had a baby boy and she has named him Francis, after the pope. I wonder if we should read anything into that.

On the subject of religion again, another story which fascinates me this week is about UKIP councillor David Silvester. Silvester made some quite extraordinary comments during a radio interview and explained that recent flooding was the result of God’s anger at David Cameron for trying to legalise gay marriage. Unsurprisingly, his comments rather upset a few people and he now appears to have been kicked out of his party. I myself have no strong feelings about gay marriage, I’m just astounded that in this day and age anyone can still believe this kind of tripe. That’s like believing in fairies.

There are a whole bunch of other stories which have interested me lately, but I am going to leave it there for now and maybe leave some for another entry.

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January 23, 2014

Happy new year! Did you read the article about that brit expat in Singapore, anson something?

January 23, 2014

Anton casey

January 24, 2014

Ryn: you know you are far handsomer than he is. He is just lucky that the ex beauty queen chose him. Doubt he could have gotten any British beauty queen or models if he’s in the UK, lols

January 24, 2014

Remember what I used to tell you before : In Asia, white men are Kings! several expat friends of mine said in the UK, they could hardly hook anyone real gorgeous in the local pubs, but in Asia the women literally surround them in pubs and other social events

January 24, 2014

Ryn: I agree with the mommies’ boy statement 🙂 We smother our boys with 300% affection and attention, and secretly wish they never grow up, lols But the ‘kings of Asia’s appeal has more to do with their high confidence level, spontaneity, overt charms and sophistication (their high expat salaries open doors to the most exclusive private clubs and lounges. And they are welcomed into the high society parties etc) A close friend of mine used to tell me that he had those Japanese car models vying for his attention all the time whereas back in Yorkshire, not even the most eligible bachelorette in the village would give him a third glance 🙂

January 24, 2014

Amongst asians, we have our own skewed and biased opinions about other asians from other countries. I am not surprised that you adore Japanese, lots of englishmen that i know have weaknesses for the orientals. We ~ within the south eastern sides are darker-skinned, extremely fiery, never bashful at all, say what’s in our minds, and never giggle behind those cute pink fans lols 🙂 <br>

January 24, 2014

I am more into concealing but giving glimpses into the unknown..for eg, instead of short skirts, you are seeing clingy silky long sarong with slits that go all the way up the mid thighs, 😛

January 24, 2014

I had to Google snapchat. I am amazed that you know something that I don’t know yet. All these while I thought I was more up to date with the latest apps etc than you (joke!) Well you can see via Skype. One day. Don’t wait till we are both in our 80s! Lols

January 24, 2014

And no, I don’t have snapchat and not interested yet to download it

January 24, 2014

Well, not now. I am already in my pjs, and sorting out laundries 😉

January 24, 2014

I know. Bet you are imagining those Mazda or Toyota leggy models right now,lols

January 24, 2014

hahahahahah lolol you are so funny i realise that i have missed all our banters, 😛

January 24, 2014

no. this is the fastest it can be. and hang on to this moment while it lasts

January 24, 2014

ryn: ‘The Dude’ ie Jeff Bridges is so gorgeous and hunky 🙂

January 24, 2014

Ryn: though I like rugged-looking men, Daniel Craig doesn’t appeal to me. Ps: you look thousands of times better than Daniel Craig. In the victorian era, you would have been one of those aristocrats in royal courtyard, and he’s …well, he does other things. He had ‘those’ dangerous and reckless air surrounding him.

January 27, 2014

Ryn: really? It’s not difficult keeping tab of two sites

January 27, 2014

And you wrote them brilliantly. Seriously you should consider being a newspaper columnist. Not in page 3 of the star (the one with boobs), of course 🙂