More holiday pictures

Here are a few more pictures from Cornwall…

The boy driving a little train

Parking it

That is the 101-year-old steam train we rode on

That’s the boy being the train guard

And that’s all of us at the Eden Project again because I like the dragon in that one

We received a warning notice from the council about our allotment. Apparently it was not in a good enough condition and we have to tidy it. To be honest, we did let the weeds get out of control and we weren’t using enough of it. However. I went to work with weed killer and it looks much better now. I’ve written back to the man at the council and he was very understanding. I think we’re off the naughty list now.

We spent quite a bit of time removing weeds on Saturday and I uncovered a wasp nest. It was a big hole in the ground. I originally thought it was a rabbit hole until I saw lots of wasps going in and out. Foolishly I decided that the best course of action was simply to block the hole up. That just pissed them off and resulted in about 10,000 angry wasps suddenly mobilizing. A bit of a Laurel and Hardy moment ensued. I got stung three times, and so did the dragon. The boy got stung twice. I made things worse by trying to get everyone in the car thinking the wasps couldn’t get there. I should have just got everyone to run off because I trapped us in the car with about half the swarm. It was like a scene from that Michael Caine film.

I have since been going back there at dusk every day to squirt insecticide down their hole. It seems they all go back to base at night and that’s the time to do it. There were still a few wasps buzzing around yesterday, but far fewer than before, an a lot of dead wasp bodies littering the entrance to the hole.

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August 28, 2013

Urgh, I really dislike wasps. Lovely family pic 🙂 .

August 28, 2013

You guys are a cute couple. Planning any sibling for your son? I probably sound like your parents 🙂

August 28, 2013

The pics are gorgeous 🙂 Ps: you should plant potatoes 😛

August 29, 2013

You look like a lecherous old man standing next to the dragon! *joke* 🙂

August 29, 2013

Ryn: I was jesting 😛