It’s an odd thing isn’t it

So, the weekend was nice. We spent some time at the allotment, took the boy swimming Sunday, and for the first time, he went down the water slide by himself. He was very proud of himself. And yesterday we went out to Lechlade and took a trip on the river boat, which was fun.

Today is a bad day because I have to do all the end of month stuff at work, but I don’t want to talk about that. It’s a good day too, because the final season of Dexter has begun, and it stars Charlotte Rampling, and she can do no wrong! I saw the first episode today and I’m already excited.

A couple of things in the news caught my eye today. Apparently a group of feminists has entered a mosque in Sweden wearing burkas, and then bared their breasts. Chaos apparently ensued and a great time was had by all. The stunt was a protest by the now famous femen group against Muslim oppression of women. The ring leader was Aliaa Elmahdy, an Egyptian activist, now living in Sweden, who shot to fame fairly recently by posting naked pictures of herself on a blog. That is also apparently why she was forced to leave her native Egypt.

It’s an odd thing isn’t it, religious fanatics trying to regulate what people can do with their own bodies.

And on the subject of religious fanatics, the Westboro Baptist Church lunatics have announced yet another offensive strategy. Just when you thought they couldn’t get any weirder, they’ve now decided that the boy band One Direction, are “crotch-grabbing little perverts” and have announced that they will be picketing concerts.

It’s an odd thing isn’t it, religious fanatics trying to regulate what people can do with their own bodies.

As an aside here, the WBC are so offensive that frankly I personally would be overjoyed if I had upset them enough to picket anything of mine. It makes me wonder what they actually hope to achieve. It doesn’t seem very likely for instance that fans who have gone to see One Direction in concert are likely to listen to a church that stands outside the concert venue vomiting vitriol about their idols. One might even suggest that it could have just the opposite effect.

The church has a history of wildly offensive picketing of soldiers’ funerals, theatre productions with gay themes, and other events. They were banned from UK in 2009, which they appear to have taken personally I’m pleased to say. They also seem to have decided that Taylor Swift is a “whore”, and have scheduled a picket of her concerts in August.

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July 2, 2013

ryn: hahahaha, and why is that? am i sounding too serious?

July 2, 2013

yes, the american spelling. i forgot the brit spelling so just simply plugged that one. Surrealism is but another pathway to elderism i am no longer a springy young chicken. At least one of us remembers [that we are OLD], lols

July 2, 2013

you balance it with maturity. hell, you are one of the rare ones who always sound jovial in their entries. lift up my spirit a lot and i thank you for that 😛

July 3, 2013

That breast baring scenario is a tad waste of time….especially considering only very old men with poor eyesights tend to spend time in mosques. What points did these women try to prove with the tits show? Apart from making the younger or lecherous older males turn hot and bothered and worst case scenario – they might pounce on the next available females at the first isolated street they walk in.But i could be wrong

July 3, 2013

Where we are heading? Two choices when I lead the way : A. Asylum B. Morgue Choose one 😛

July 3, 2013

Lols, where is it located? Japan? And what is the main theme? Men in baby diapers and milk bottles, served by young ladies in nanny outfits? ;P

July 3, 2013

Religious right-wingers are seeing that people cannot be controlled with religion as they were in the past, and are scrambling to try to grab a hold of as many converts as they can. I know my mother’s church, which is Lutheran (she’s a German immigrant to the U.S.), doesn’t have enough parishioners to fill and pay for their congregation, so they actually rent their church out to a group of Hmong Baptists. That’s how they pay the bills. I’m happy to hear about the feminists in Sweden and what they did. Every time I hear a Muslim woman say she’s in the religion willingly, and is content to be totally covered and not drive, etc., I think to myself “brainwashed” and “subjugated” and just shake my head, hoping they will come around soon. I feel the same way about Christian fundamentalists here in the U.S. We have some really crazy religionists here, from the snake charmers to the Amish to the Scientologists and the Mormons, and everything else. I admire the French for becoming totally secular after their revolution, and never looking back. Unfortunately, we here in the U.S. got the Pilgrims. It’s not worked out for us so well. 😉

July 6, 2013

Dude, WBC is going to get killed by all the tween fans of One Direction. Those girls can be vicious when it comes to their boy bands! Lol. 😉