…and another thing

I think the Vatican may be reading my page because, since my post yesterday, they have clarified their position on the redemption of atheists. As I said, they claim anyone can be saved, but not unless they accept the sacrifice of Christ. Thus, atheists can be redeemed, as long as they stop being atheists. That makes it sound as if you can just one day decide to believe and everything will be OK. I’m pretty sure that isn’t the case though. I have a Christian friend, and I put it to her that I can’t just one day say “I believe” and expect to be saved. God will know if I am faking it, right? Her response was, “Yes, you have to walk the walk; just talking the talk won’t do it”. When I asked how I was supposed to believe there was only the sound of crickets chirping.

And staying on the religious theme for a moment, whilst browsing the Huffington Post I discovered another story which just goes to endorse my feeling that religion does far more harm than good. It would seem that a Saudi Cleric and writer by the name of Abdullah Mohammed Daoud has started a Twitter controversy by encouraging men in Saudi Arabia to sexually assault women working in the nation’s grocery stores in an effort to discourage them from working. His theory is that women should stay at home to protect their chastity. Got that? Women should be sexually assaulted in the workplace to encourage them to stay at home and protect their chastity?!

I’m a bit of a Twitter Luddite and I don’t know how it all works, but apparently this piece of scum has been using the hashtag #harass_female_cashiers. Is it possible to start a new hashtag #cut_Abdullah_Mohammed_Daoud’s_balls_off? I think it would discourage Muslim nutters from committing sex offences in grocery stores.

So, now I’ve probably upset Catholics and Muslims (I’m not sorry), lets move on to climate change…

It would seem that Tim Yeo, Tory MP overseeing government policy on climate change has claimed that humans may not be responsible for global warming. Well I never, that isn’t going to go down well with the chief wizard, Yeo’s only there to harvest the eco-warrior vote. Mind you, it’s becoming rather difficult now to claim that global warming is actually happening, since it demonstrably hasn’t been for the last 20 years. Even changing the name to “climate change” hasn’t really helped.

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May 30, 2013

What sort of stupid logic is that It just boils down to plain no respect for women

June 1, 2013

Ryc: That’s pretty cool. I don’t know that I’d want to go naked, but it must be a pretty freeing experience. We definitely don’t have anything like that here in Canada. I feel like I would have noticed that, otherwise.

June 2, 2013

*facepalm* I hate religion.

June 3, 2013

Ryc: Well, that shows you what I know, eh? Lol I could see the hesitation in it, but at the same time, it’s probably a rather freeing experience.

June 3, 2013

I will point out (Devil’s Advocacy type of thing) that there are plenty of men out there who will happily abuse women without the need for religious motives, and I’m fairly certain that there are men out there who would be tempted to do such things…but don’t out of fear/respect/belief in their deity(ies) of choice. -Philo