
Unbelievable I know, but my face is currently slightly pink from the sun. We’ve had two days of really quite nice weather this weekend. It’s peeing down with rain again now of course, but it gives me hope that we may indeed actually get a summer this year.

On the down side, i managed to get a parking ticket on Saturday. The odd thing is, I had bought a carpark ticket and I think it was displayed properly in the windscreen. I’ve written to them, but I bet they tell me that it wasn’t displayed properly and I still have to pay. The dragon says I should take my chances in court.

There seems to be a lot of talk lately about the pope claiming that atheists can go to heaven. It’s controversial because apparently not all his flunkies seem to agree with him, despite the fact that he is of course infallible. Except, the media is being incredibly misleading about the whole thing.The pope did indeed say that atheists could be redeemed by God. He also said that atheists could be good people. He did not, as far as I am aware, say that atheists could be redeemed by being good. Christians have always believed that anyone can be redeemed; they just have to accept the sacrifice of Christ to gain that redemption (John 3:16). Where’s the controversy?

Most atheists seemed to have jumped on the band wagon and congratulated the pope on this new liberal viewpoint. I don’t think it is a new viewpoint, and I don’t welcome it. I don’t believe there is a heaven, and I certainly don’t want patronising Christians telling me that despite the fact that I am a filthy heathen, it’s OK because their imaginary friend loves me so much, I’m still getting in. I don’t understand religious people.

Two weeks until the London 2013 World Naked Bike Ride. I’m excited! I have some concerns this year after the horrifying events in Woolwich last week, but I am refusing to let Muslim nutters ruin the day for me. I was considering joining the Wales Summer Skinny dip this year. They do it every year and money raised goes to charity. The event has been hijacked by Marie Curie this year however and they won’t give you the exact location until you give them £15. It’s extremely cynical and not in the spirit of the event, so I’ve decided to opt out. It’s ridiculously easy to find out where it is anyway. It’s at Oxwich Bay at 10am this Saturday in case anyone is interested.

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May 29, 2013

Naked bike ride? I think I need some elaboration here. I’m doing a 5k run where we get pelted with coloured powder. But naked? I’m very curious.

May 29, 2013

You’ve got 2 weeks to get in shape! Or at least some kind of shape :p