bottom feeding scum-witch

It’s Friday already and I haven’t written anything this week. I suppose this week didn’t start properly until Tuesday, since Monday was a holiday. I did start an entry on Tuesday, but it didn’t go anywhere. It was just a ramble about the weekend. It wasn’t interesting. We went to Longleat and worked on the allotment basically. It was a nice weekend. May is a just such a funky month. Not only do we get two, yes two, bank holidays, but it’s the month where Winter finally buggers off and Spring definitely sets in. Oh how I love you May.

There are a whole bunch of stupid stories currently circulating in the news. If any more tv personalities get arrested for kiddie fiddling there won’t be any left to present our programmes. In the last few days Rolf Harris, Stuart Hall, and Jimmy Tarbuck have been pulled in. Stuart Hall seems to have pleaded guilty to various foul deeds from 40 years ago. Sadly, I am old enough to remember It’s a Knockout in the 1970s, presented by Stuart Hall and Eddie Waring.

I don’t feel much sympathy for Stuart Hall since he actually admitted putting his hand up the skirt of a nine-year-old girl I believe, but I do have some sympathy for people in general trying to defend themselves from 40-year-old allegations. I can’t remember what I was doing last week. And there is no getting away from the fact that older men are now being charged with things that would have seemed much less serious when they occurred. Dave Lee Travis seems to have been arrested because he squeezed someone’s boobs. I’m not saying it’s OK, but it was decades ago, and it isn’t going to be very easy to produce evidence. And the question is inevitably asked, “why didn’t these victims come forward sooner?”

There is a debate to be had of course, and indeed it is being discussed, the most ridiculous suggestion we have so far seen came from a female human rights lawyer, Barbara Hewson, who has suggested that the age of consent should be lowered to 13 in order to stop the persecution of older men. I know, it sounds like a spoof, but it was in Spiked and was today reported in the Independent. Hewson seems to have some very odd ideas indeed and described Stuart Hall’s indecent assault on 13-year-old girls as “low-level misdemeanours”. She did also suggest a statute of limitations, which I would support. I say, if no one thinks about coming forward in say 10 years, it’s too late.

Also, the news is full of the story of the three young women in Ohio who have escaped from Ariel Castro who kept them imprisoned for over a decade. You’ve all read about it and it is an incredible story. I’m not going to make any comment on it here. The thing that fell out of the story which interested me was the connection with Sylvia Browne, famous “psychic”, convicted fraud, and bottom feeding scum-witch (in my view).

Browne is now largely retired from the psychic scamming business I believe, having handed over her empire to her equally foul son. She did however make regular appearances on the Montel Williams show in her prime and make predictions (wild guesses) about the fate of various missing persons from time to time. It was fairly dodgy ground for a fake psychic, and she ended up with egg on her face more than once, most notably when she pronounced missing Shawn Hornbeck dead. Shawn turned up alive and well some years later. Well, it turns out that Browne also told Amanda Berry’s mother that her daughter was dead on the Montel Williams show back in 2004. She’s now frantically back peddling. Let’s hope it gets lots of publicity and people think twice before they believe in these weirdos.

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May 10, 2013

barbera hewson has a screw loose. it also makes me wonder at what age she lost her virginity and whether she’s just trying to rationalise her own actions. scumbag. .

May 10, 2013

What do 13 year olds know about giving consent? gawd

May 23, 2013

I don’t think it’s too late to wait that long. Often times a person who was abused in childhood is too ashamed to come forward until years (sometimes decades) after the fact. They spend the entire time feeling like it was their fault and thus say nothing. It doesn’t make sense but then, who is thinking logically at that point in time? My mother didn’t even know her kids were abused until yrslater.