
I think Eric Schmitt, CEO of Google, is very like the Prince of Wales in a lot of ways. They’re both well educated, articulate, confident, and thick. I understand that we can’t do much about Charles, since he is in his position only through an accident of birth, but Schmitt? The man is a clown. He has made so many gaffs, it’s difficult to understand how he manges to remain at the head of one of the world’s biggest companies.

I say this because today the papers are full of Schmitt’s BBC interview in which he seems to suggest that it’s perfectly OK to avoid tax in Britain. In fact, I don’t have any moral high ground to defend here. I think everyone should be avoiding tax if they can. The difference is, I wouldn’t go on national television an basically taunt the British government about it. The man is a dick.

It’s odd to me that no one seems to realise that an academic qualification is no guarantee of intelligence. Another well qualified lunatic is Professor David Nutt, a neuroscientist from Imperial College London. He was sacked as a government advisor 10 years ago for making clearly ridiculous claims about cannabis and openly campaigning for its decriminalisation. He hasn’t stopped making stupid statements since. His most famous being that we should think about legalising ecstasy because it was not as dangerous as horse riding. This week the idiot is back in the news after publishing a new theory about cocaine causing the banking collapse.

This weekend I have been toiling on the allotment. There is a rabbit infestation there and I have been bunny proofing the fence, or at least trying to. I have rehung the gate, and repaired all the holes in the wire. At some point I will replace all the fence posts and chicken wire, but for now, it will have to do. We now have raspberry, black current and goji berry bushes planted, and garlic. We will be adding other cool stuff shortly. We have all sorts of things growing on window sills waiting for transplantation.

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April 24, 2013


April 24, 2013

I added you to my reading list. Hello.

April 30, 2013

Better yet, let the rabbits eat the garlic, then catch them and cook them. Garlic flavoured rabbit stew? Yes please! -Philo

April 30, 2013

Better yet, let the rabbits eat the garlic, then catch them and cook them. Garlic flavoured rabbit stew? Yes please! -Philo