Mostly Happy, Sort Of Monday

Today I am happy about:

Spending the day doing daddy and son things yesterday (more in a minute)
Kira made chocolate truffles (yum, burp)
My annual performance review is over
Last night’s episode of Walking Dead (Andrea, what were you thinking?)
It’s Pay day

Today I am less happy about:

Having do my annual performance review
Having the day off yesterday, so today is sort of Monday
It’s not Spring yet

Today I am positively livid about:

Umm, nothing really

So, on balance, I’d say I was mostly happy and therefore it is a good day.

So, yesterday the dragon had to work, but the boy had a day off school. So I took a day off work to perform fatherly childcare duties. We spent the morning constructing Lego models. I made macaroni cheese for lunch, and then in the afternoon we watched Wreck-It Ralph at the cinema before going on to martial arts class. All in all, a fine day.

By the way, Wreck-It Ralph was pretty good. It’s quite funny and it has quite a complex story. But the great thing about the cinema yesterday was that we also got to see Paperman in 3D, which I think is the best Disney film is years. I know that sounds a bit homosexual, but 1, I don’t care, and 2, you should really watch it and then you’ll understand.

While trawling trawling the internet this morning for amusing stories I stumbled across this one which seems to have gone viral. Hotel CCTV footage seems to show a naked man leaving a room service tray outside his hotel room and accidentally locking himself out. I’m not sure I believe this to be real. It may well have been set up. Who puts a room service tray outside the door naked? But it did make me laugh anyway.

I also note that it was the annual naked sledging event in the German resort of Altenberg in the Ore Mountains this weekend. This looks like about the most fun you can possibly have on a sledge to me, and I urge everyone to check out the pictures (NSFW).

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February 27, 2013