How do they dress themselves?

The week started off relatively warm and sunny, now we are being told to prepare for snow again at the weekend. I do hope there isn’t any. It’s positively Siberian here at the moment.

I have worked at home one and a half days this week due to a dentist appointment and the dragon being unwell yesterday. I think she’s feeling better today, so I came to the office. I don’t like working from home much. Yesterday it was a real pain in the arse because there were network problems and I couldn’t sign on. It was fixed eventually.

I’ve been following the Chris Huhne court case, mostly because I simply loath Chris Huhne, but also because it’s an interesting case. He was accused of perverting the course of justice by by not admitting responsibility for a speeding offence and claiming that his wife was in fact driving at the time. He spent a huge amount of money (and time) trying to get the case thrown out before the trial took place, but failed and eventually admitted that he was guilty. His wife was also accused of perverting the course of justice but pleaded not guilty on the basis that her husband put significant pressure on her to do it.

It wasn’t a complicated case. In fact, all the jury were required to do to reach a verdict, was to decide whether Chris Hunhe put pressure on his wife to take responsibility for his speeding offence. The jury however managed to fail so spectacularly in their role, that the judge discharged them. There will now have to be a retrial. Seemingly the jury got themselves so confused that, after 15 hours of debate, they hadn’t reached a decision and sent a list of ten questions to the judge. The questions showed such a breathtaking level of stupidity that it’s difficult to understand how they manage to dress themselves in the morning. I have seen one estimate that suggests Chris Huhne has spent in excess of £300,000 trying to get the case thrown out, and there is now going to have to be a second trial at huge expense. I should have gone into law because only the lawyers are making anything out of this, it’s astounding.

But on to something a little lighter; according to the Metro, new legislation is being proposed in North Carolina that would specifically outlaw the baring of female nipples. Is this really necessary legislation? I’m sure there is legislation already in place that could be used. In any case, exemptions would evidentially be put in place for breastfeeding ladies, and apparently men will still be able to expose their nipples as much as they like. I’m not sure one should really believe anything in this article since it claims that Rayne Brown, the politician behind the move, is a man. He’s not. He’s a woman. Maybe they were thinking of Ray Brown, who was Oscar Peterson’s base player, but I doubt it. He was a man however.

And staying on the nipple theme, the Sun has a report today about a Naked Vegan Cooking blog. It’s old news, but it’s a great excuse to print pictures of bosoms, so they have. Just though I would share.

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February 23, 2013

why ban women’s nipples and not mens?? isn’t that sexist? very glad you mentioned breastfeeding women would be exempt, my heckles were just beginning to rise! 😉 .

February 23, 2013

It’s freezing cold here too. And I thought I’d be overdoing the coldwear

February 23, 2013


February 25, 2013

Another way to waste taxpayer money. There are some areas here in the South that still try to ban public breastfeeding, even when the mother is using a coverlet so her breast isn’t exposed. Idiots. Let’s smother an infant to protect our sensibilities. Stupid people make me itch.