Unfurnished basement on 68th floor

Well I finally got to Maplins last night and picked up a new wireless router. It’s all up and working and it even has a USB interface for network attached storage. How cool is that? The bad news is, because I didn’t manage to get to the store on Tuesday evening because of all the idiots who go mad as soon as it starts snowing, I missed the special offer and it cost me another £30. Never mind, at least our network is up and running again.

The big news today is that David Cameron has finally told us we can have an in-out referendum on Europe. This is of course good news, except there is some small print. We don’t get to vote on this until 2017, which means here will be an election first. And of course we have to vote for him to get the referendum. Blackmail!, but it’s better than nothing.

Nick Clegg is jumping up and down telling us the world will end if we leave the EU. We hear this from politicians all the time, “we can’t leave the EU, that would be bad!” Oddly, they never seem to tell us exactly why it would be so awful. As far as I can see, the EU costs us a vast amount of money and all I see us getting in return are a bunch of rules and regulations we don’t want. For instance, we decided that Abu Qatada was a bit of a bastard and should be sent right back to Jordan where they want him to strand trial for terrorist charges. Everyone agreed that it was a jolly good idea except the EU authorities, who told us it was against the rules.

Here’s an odd story from the Telegraph this morning; apparently lawyers have been brought in to investigate after discarded ladies’ underwear was found on the 68th floor in the men’s lavatory of London’s tallest building, the shard. The suggestion is that persons unknown were doing the dance with no pants against the full length windows which offer spectacular views across the capital. Staff found the black knickers after an exclusive party. It would seem to me that bringing lawyers in is something of an overreaction. I can’t even see how any law was broken. I don’t think there is any evidence of sex, and certainly not outside the privacy of the men’s lavatory. What the hell are the lawyers going to do?

Incidentally, I thought I had solved the mystery of the knickers in the Shard. One only has to check the Sun for today’s gossipy celebrity pictures to see that Jennifer Lopez showed up at some premiere yesterday clearly going commando. Knickers found in Shard, J-Lo pictured going commando, clearly too much for coincidence. Well actually I was wrong because J-Lo was snapped in LA, but it was a good theory!

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January 25, 2013