it’s a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world

There was snow on the ground this morning; not enough to cause a problem, just enough to remind me how much I miss summer. It’s now turned to rain. On the plus side, Steve at work has brought a couple of pheasants in for me to take home today. This is good. I like game. I have to play this carefully at home however. The dragon likes pheasant, but she doesn’t like guts and feathers. I will have to wait until she is occupied and do the messy bit quietly. I may take pictures and post them some time.

I finally got around to watching Skyfall last week. I quite liked it. It’s a definite return to the old style Bond films when they still had a plot. I wasn’t expecting to like it. I still thought the stunts were over the top, particularly the chase across the rooftops on motorbikes. It all worked though, just saying.

Apparently it was annual no pants subway ride day yesterday. I didn’t know. I like the concept. It’s pointless. I have never taken part however.

The No Pants Subway Ride day coincided with topless protest at the Vatican day it seems. A number of women apparently tore off their tops and began yelling “homophobes shut up”, as the the Pope began his Angelus Blessing. Some of the crowd did not take kindly to the interruption and the ladies were manhandled, in a most unchristian way, from the area. The protest was organised by feminist group, femen. It seems they take a dim view of the Catholic stance on homosexuality.

Ironically, while angry topless women were protesting in Vatican city against the hard-line attitude of the Catholic church towards gay marriage and gay adoption, half a million French were marching in the streets of Paris to protest precisely the opposite. Who’d have thunk it, middle class France marching in the streets because the government is trying to legalise gay marriage?! What is this current political fixation with gay rights? I cannot make myself care about it. The British PM is clearly hell-bent on legalising gay marriage, and the French President too it seems, despite some pretty passionate opposition.

Well anyway, like Ray Davies used to say, “girls will be boys and boys will be girls, it’s a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world, except for Lola” . Goodnight.

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January 14, 2013

Glad you liked Skyfall. I was a little underwhelmed, this whole idea of a rogue agent sounded too much like a copy of the Joker concept from the Batman movies. And killing beautiful women is a no no.

January 14, 2013

can i make a request? if you take any ‘messy’ pictures please can you put a warning so i don’t see them?!! .

January 15, 2013

i aint nice. i like to throw candiru fish at men swimming in the amazon đŸ™‚

January 15, 2013

RYN you are right of course. I meant any woman, or why not any man? But it is a Bond movie…

January 15, 2013

ryn – phew! .