I’m back

I haven’t been writing here for a while. It’s a combination of no time, and just not really wanting to. I now have more time again, and I do want to, so I’m back.

I hope that Christmas brought you everything you wanted and deserved, and that the New Year celebrations were good for you. We had the standard family Christmas. It peed down with rain. The boy spent most of Christmas Eve in bed with a migraine, but he recovered well for the day itself. I always feel something of a relief when it’s all over. I don’ t like coming back to work though.

I don’t usually keep my new year resolutions, so I’m not going to make any thins year. I looked back at my New Year entry from last year and I resolved there to lose weight. I did actually do that, but not as much as I intended. I will try that again this year I think, but it’s not a resolution, just an ambition.

My bloody rail ticket has gone up again, by £11 a month. I suppose it’s not the end of the world. It’s still more than inflation however, and MPs are frantically trying to justify it. I may mail bomb my MP about it again.

Interesting piece in the Telegraph today quoting Mark Lynas. I didn’t know who he was, but he appears to be an environmentalist. That would usually send up a red flag for me, but he is suggesting people like celebrity chefs and the Prince of Wales should think before opening their mouths to trash GM crops. It’s worth a read.

Apparently 2012 is the second wettest year on record. Only 2000 had more rain. That will stir up the climate change nutters. It was foul last year. Summer never really happened, We just had one gigantic, wet Autumn.

I quite like Tom Chivers in the Telegraph, though I did have something of a war of words with him over the legalisation of cannabis. I like him because he, like me, is a bit of a grammar nazi. On matters of grammar I agree with him on almost every point. Today I have discovered that he, like me, hates those idiots who insist that “data” must be plural. I could explain it, but I won’t. If you’re interested, go and read the article.

Tom also wrote quite a good piece this week on the subject of why it’s fashionable to be thick at maths and science. Again, worth a look.

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January 3, 2013

Hello! Welcome back!

January 4, 2013

poor boy 🙁 glad he recovered for the day though. .

January 4, 2013

Fuck a duck, you have no idea how much that made me laugh. I just had to create a look-a-like photo and send it to Bobert and his brother in law. GENIUS.

January 5, 2013


January 7, 2013

I’m bad at Mathis, and it shouldn’t be fashionable