I’m not geek enough

So it is the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. There doesn’t seem to be much fuss about it this year. I’m currently reading The Suicide Factory, Abu Hamza and the Finsbury Park Mosque. I only started reading because it was 49p from a discount bookshop. It’s not a great book. I don’t like to start a book and not finish it though. It is interesting here and there. Abu Hamza was involved in all sorts of dodgy stuff. The most astonishing thing is that he got away with it for so long without the British authorities doing anything. Apparently when they finally raided the mosque in 2003 or whenever it was, they found all sorts of forged passports, weapons, and other terrorist paraphernalia. All the power and water had been cut off because the utility bills hadn’t been paid, but dozens of people were using it as a doss house and still using the bathrooms. It was apparently almost unusable. I’m looking forward to finishing the book because I have four or five new books lined up to read. I have a shelf at home where I put books I need to read. There’s a queue.

Haven’t done a nudity story for a while, so here’s one. Apparently there is going to be a mass skinny dip on 22 Sept and I really want to go. It’s miles and miles away though, way up north and it’s at dawn, so it’s out of the question really. Never mind there will be others. Apparently they are trying to get at least 414 people into the water naked, because that breaks a record. I also want to join the secret swimming club. They organise mass nude swims, but you have to be a member to find out where they happen. It’s al very cloak and dagger though. I don’t know how to join.

There’s going to be a badger cull in two areas of England in the coming weeks unless the badger hugging nutters are successful in their appeal bid. I don’t understand the arguments against controlling badger numbers. There are too many of them and they do a huge amount of damage. They keep digging up human remains in the graveyard in my town. They also spread TB to cattle. The nutters want to vaccinate the badgers. That doesn’t sound very sensible to me. Vaccination doesn’t work unless you vaccinate all of them.

I want to read the new Fashion Beast comic by Alan Moore. I’m going to drop into the comic book shop in Swindon to see if they have it. I don’t really know how to do comic book shops. I may have to ask for assistance. I’m not geek enough.

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September 12, 2012

Badger hugging sounds….thoroughly unpleasant. -Philo

September 13, 2012