I never do this…

…but today I’m going to make an exception, just because I like this.

Four jobs you’ve had in your life:
Hotel porter
Camera repair man
Desktop support engineer
Technical author

Four jobs you wish you had:
Lego model developer (that’s a real job right?)
Mad scientist/inventor
World famous novelist
Private investigator

Four movies you can watch over and over again:
The Tempest (Derek Jarman Version, obviously)
Paris Texas

Four cities you have lived in:

Four TV shows you love to watch:
Big Bang Theory
I can’t think of anything else. I’m not a big tv watcher.

Four websites you visit daily:
The Telegraph
Jazz 24
Post Secret (I know it only gets updated on Sunday so it’s not actually every day)
Spiked On-Line

Four of your favorite foods:
The dragon’s Three Cup Chicken (it’s Taiwanese)
Dan Ping (that’s Taiwanese too)
Chicken Tika Massala
Christmas pudding

Four things you won’t eat:
Pigs’ eyes (so not doing that again)
Shell fish (because I am ultra allergic to them, except prawns oddly)
Glace cherries, those things are foul.
Fizzy soft drinks, almost never drink coke or anything like that. (does that count?)

Four things you wish you could eat right now:
I’d quite like to eat Lau Ping (Chinese flat bread)
Haribo Tangtastic sour sweets
Can’t think of anything else. It’s morning and I’ve had breakfast.

Four things in your bedroom:
Bronze Buddhist statue thing, from Thailand
Jade Lion, from China
Bumble bee alarm clock that shouts in Chinese, from Taiwan
Blue Spode pot, from England I suppose

Four things you wish you had in your bedroom:
Jean Leon Gerome’s Pygmalion and Galatea (the one currently in the Met)
Oscar Peterson and a Grand piano (is that two things?)
The missing panels from the Ghent Altarpiece
A maid

Four things you’re wearing right now:
Black leather shoes
Radio Controlled Watch
Mr. Man socks

Four places you’d rather be right now:
In the garden
Taipei 101 observation deck
A beach somewhere
At the barber, I really need my hair cut

Four fictional places you’d rather be right now:
Gotham City
Fawlty Towers Hotel

Four things you’re thinking about right now:
Solenoid valves
The missing panels from the Ghent Altarpiece

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July 25, 2012

I’d like a maid in my bedroom too. LOL

July 25, 2012

ah but the private investigator often has to deliver bad news to people, that wouldn’t be so fun. am totally with you on the glace cherries, absolutely foul. .

July 25, 2012

ryn: No… recent entries. I enjoyed reading it 🙂 Not teenage spewage either. LOL

July 25, 2012

I would like a hot naked maid in my bed. I didn’t know what a glace cherry was. I googled it. Then I google image searched it. I have never had one and they dont look appetizing. However, the image search did provide me with the following (which I like very much): http://media.onsugar.com/files/2011/03/11/6/335/3355655/fa90b5b07e978538_the_glace_cherry_by_kandee_shoes.preview.jpg

July 25, 2012

This was fun to read 🙂

July 26, 2012

I most certainly wasn’t looking for him when he found me. So there. It’s in a week’s time, about.

July 29, 2012

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3