Bit of a tosser

David Gauke is a Conservative MP and Treasury minister. It turns out he’s also a bit of a tosser. Gauke is all over the papers this morning for making the rather rash claim that it’s “morally wrong” to pay tradesmen cash-in-hand because it allows them to hide money from the tax man. I was all geared up to write a piece about how it’s everyone’s moral duty to pay as little tax as humanly possible because it prevents the government from doing stupid things with it, when a better story popped into being. It transpires that Gauke is in fact a scummy hypocrite of truly biblical proportions. He also appears to be a little bit dim. As Guido Fawkes helpfully points out, Gauke’s wife Rachel is a Tax Avoidance Lawyer.

It’s genuinely astounding to me that this moron actually thought he could get away with lecturing people on the morality of tax avoidance, and then go home to his wife the tax avoidance lawyer. Did he think no one would find out? I assume he can dress himself and tie his own shoes. It’s going to be a long week for him isn’t it. I wonder what his defence will be.

The naked rambler guy appears to have been arrested again as he hiked south through Scotland on his way home. It would seem that someone made a complaint and he refused to leave the vicinity of a children’s park, or put clothes on. According to the Sun however, he was arrested almost 600m from the park, which doesn’t sound very close to me. I’m quite sure the Scottish authorities are fed up with him, and they are now cursing the local police who arrested him. The man is clearly not going to give up. I suppose the police will turn a blind eye next time he is released again and we’ll have to see how far he gets then. he’s made another naked court appearance, so I guess that means he will get another contempt of court charge. If he gets this wrong he’s going to be released in the middle of winter in Scotland, which will make his naked journey a whole lot more difficult.

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July 24, 2012

It would be so much easier for him and the authorities if they dropped him off at the border and let him continue his journey home.

July 25, 2012

I totally agree with you. What a tosser.