
I’ve now completed and tested all the hardware for my Aquadroid. I just need to put it in a box and write the software. I haven’t actually connected the water squirters to the relay shield, but they have been tested. Actually, I haven’t connected any mains load across the relay outputs. I should do that. I need to get some rubber tube or pipe from somewhere.

I’ve written some test software, and I have a concept in my head. It’s going to take a little while to work it out properly though. It’s been a long time since I’ve written any software. I’m starting to think about a follow-up project now.

Here are some pictures…

Very early prototype of interface board and relay shield

Kind of messy back then wasn’t it.

That’s the interface board in prototype form and made up on a circuit board.

And that’s all the boards made up properly including the connectors to the Arduino board on the right.

I need to start writing some software. I’ve had some success with switching relays at the right time, but my auto manual procedure failed last night. I’ll keep you posted.

And something else quickly. A story about prostitution caught my eye in the news today…

Apparently, decriminalisation of prostitution in New Zealand has had an unfortunate side effect. It would seem that street girls are using road signs as dancing poles and breaking them. According to this report in the Telegraph, one area of south Auckland has seen more than 40 poles bent, buckled, or snapped in the past year. I’ve always been of the opinion that prostitution is something so difficult to legislate against that the best option is to legalise it in a controlled way. If it’s totally decriminalised however, you are going to run into problems in residential areas, and that’s what’s happened here. The report attracted my attention for the humour value, but it’s actually quite an interesting little piece.

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