Austrian Forest Bonking

Weekend; well it was fathers’ day. I got a card, and some shorts and some cake. We also had a special dinner, so I felt appreciated.

I want to get hold of an Arduino board and do some experimenting. I don’t think I’ve done anything with robotics since I left university, and that sadly was 16 years ago. That’s not quite true actually. I did make some Lego robots, which were quite good. I think I want to build a robot security guard. I asked the boy what sort of robot we should develop and he said “dinosaur”. We weren’t able to progress from there.

Talking of dinosaurs, I’ve started to watch Terra Nova. The only reason I even considered this is because the tv set things in the train are now suddenly free to watch. This means that I have about 14 minutes morning and evening to watch it. Unfortunately each episode is something like 50 minutes, so it takes about a week to watch each one. I have so far watched all of episode one and part of episode two. I rather think that they don’t have any more episodes to watch after that, which may be an issue. Anyway, I’m quite into it. Incidentally this is just another example of crass bad management at First Great Western. They installed tv screens in one coach in each of their trains so that passengers could watch films and tv shows on their journey. It was an almighty flop however since no one, and I do mean no one, was willing to pay £3 or whatever it was for an hour’s tv. Thus the already massively overcharged ticket buying public were left with the bill. However they now appear to have cut their losses and stopped charging for the service, the result being that now ‘almost’ no one uses them.

Last night I told the boy that, since he is six, we should remove the side from his bed that stops him rolling out while he sleeps. He wasn’t keen on the idea, but he reluctantly agreed. Then he rolled out of bed in the night and is now sporting a livid bruise on his cheek. Bad Daddy! I swear the little shit did it on purpose. You watch, his teachers will now be on to child protection services and I’ll find myself in court on an abuse charge or something.

I see that top tv show “Thailand’s Got Talent”, is in all sorts of trouble because a young female contestant performed an act which involved her painting with her naked breasts. I have to say, it wasn’t a great act, though it was, what’s the word, eye-catching? The show was broadcast on a state owned station and the producers have apparently received a severe dressing down. I did read this morning that it was an arranged PR stunt. I prefer to think of it as a massive production balls up myself. Click the link here for a report and censored video.

And finally, here’s an interesting story from the Telegraph. Apparently an unnamed Austrian politician is likely to win £16,000 in compensation after he was photographed having sex in a forest by concealed wildlife cameras. Apparently the pictures were taken automatically by the cameras which are equipped with both motion sensors and IR night vision facility. A court is due to rule on whether the pictures violated the man’s privacy. Legal experts seem to suggest that cameras need official permission and must be marked so that people are able to avoid them. I like this Austrian philosophy. A public figure can go into the woods and have sex. His name is not released. No details of his sex partner are released. Was she his wife, someone else’s wife? Was it even a woman? And when the camera accidentally catches him at it, it’s the camera operators who get the fine, and the chap doing the bonking gets compensation. If that was Britain and some politician had been caught in a public lavatory on Streatham Common, it would be all over the front page of the Sun and he’d lose his job before it even got to court.

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June 19, 2012

Court? Or caught? I can’t believe he managed to make an accidental porn vid in the woods. Hardcore much :p

June 19, 2012

Lol well I know it’s illegal to film someone without their permission and the only cameras allowed to do so are traffic/street/shop cameras. If you put up a private camera to watch your property and it’s showing your neighbours house so you can see them leaving their house etc then it’s illegal and the tape gets thrown out of court.

June 19, 2012

Terra nova got really good towards the end, but it was cancelled. They are trying to find another channel to air it now. Fingers crossed! X

June 19, 2012