Lets Talk about Intolerance

It didn’t rain yesterday, which is cause for celebration indeed. It’s looking a bit overcast now, but it’s still not raining. Two dry days in a row would be too much to hope for wouldn’t it? There were two ducks in the road outside my house yesterday. They were either lost or it’s a sign that the rain really is taking hold.

Yesterday celebrity psychic Derek Acorah was getting up my nose. But he is essentially just an insignificant crap-stain on the underpants of life. Today the Roman Catholic Church is threatening to take his place, and they are altogether more significant. Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, chief wizard of the Roman Catholic’s UK coven, has made a scathing attack on atheists and their “intolerance”. I think Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor needs to step back and take a look in the mirror. The RC Church doesn’t exactly have a good record on tolerance itself does it? Never been really tolerant with the gay community for instance has it, or women who want to become priests come to that, or clergy who want to marry, or people who choose to have sex before they marry, or people who use contraception, or indeed atheists it transpires. Then there was that Spanish Inquisition thing. Not a great example of a live-and-let-live attitude really. They are quite tolerant of paedophiles I’ve noticed, as long as they are in their gang.

The whole report covering this in the Telegraph actually reads like a giant April fools joke or something. The Cardinal goes on to blame secular values for violence carried out in totalitarian states and some of the 20th century conflicts that have killed millions. Seriously, he’s blaming secular values for violence and conflict? Has this idiot somehow managed to delete all knowledge of religious conflict from his mind? Or is he just hoping we might forget about all the atrocities committed in the name of the church in the last few centuries? He’s taking the piss isn’t he? He must be.

Atheists aren’t intolerant anyway. I’m an atheist and I don’t give a toss how much time you boys spend on your knees talking to your imaginary friend. You go ahead and do it. Just don’t expect me to like it when you tell me I can’t go shopping on a Sunday because it’s your Sabbath. And please don’t expect me to subsidise your bizarre lifestyle via the tax system.

And moving on to today’s nudity stories…

In the UK a naked man was spotted walking casually along the middle of the road in Enfield, North London. Local people managed to get pictures and video footage which is now proliferating across the internet. Check out the Daily Mail report, which conatins footage of the incident.

By contrast, in the US a naked woman was spotted in a lumber store. Locals did not stop to get video footage. They called the police and the woman was later arrested and charged. Check out this report, which includes a censored picture of the incident from a security camera.

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May 17, 2012

I hate overly religious people. Well, not hate, just severely dislike. :-p

May 18, 2012

Getting a woman arrested for nakedness in the US, compared to Enfielders chuckling & taking photos- now that says something about tolerance as well. As for the Catholic thing, all I can say is: jesuseffinghchrist- get real, Papists.

May 18, 2012

Ye what now? I never take notice of Murphy…

May 21, 2012

I don’t know if room to think would help me or drive me crazy. But thank you.. That was nice to know xx