It shouldn’t matter

It was a busy weekend, but nothing interesting enough to write about. I painted a fence, went shopping etc. I won’t bother you with the details. And now it’s Monday again. That came round quickly didn’t it. I’m starting to think I hate my job. It shouldn’t matter, but I think it maybe does.

Anyway, it’s 14th May, and we all know hat that means don’t we, it’s World Naked Gardening day. No, really it is. Apparently it was started in 2005 by Mark Storey and Daniel Johnson. According to Wikipedia, the event is organised to, “celebrate gardening activities such as weed control, planting of flowers, and cutting hedges while naked”. The organisation apparently has a website which frankly I’m too sacred to look for at work, but it all sounds like a fine idea to me. I’m intending to go and dig up a dandelion or something naked tonight. It’s a token gesture, but I want to show solidarity. Might even get the dragon to take a picture.

One more story I found in the news today. It’s not nudity related, but I thought it amusing.

This is a good story I found in the Telegraph today. A cyclist seemingly intent on deliberately holding up a long stream of traffic on a narrow road, was “assaulted” by a mysterious woman, who presumably came from one of the cars behind him. The whole thing was caught on camera. The police are apparently still looking for the mysterious woman who gave false contact information. Reading between the lines it seems as if the cyclist was a hunt supporter and he was attempting to hold up the anti-hunt gang. I’m all for hunting myself, but I find myself on the side of the mad woman here. I don’t care what agenda either of them have, the prick on the bicycle needs a good thud in the cobblers, and I’d probably have done the same thing.

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May 14, 2012

I like how by using typical British phrasing, one can make getting punched in the joy department almost poetic. “A thud in the cobbers” indeed. -Philo

May 14, 2012