How much is the pencil?

Funny how the immigration debacle at Heathrow Airport suddenly came to light over the last few days. I’d like to point out that my entry of 17th April covers this very issue. It was chaos when we flew in from Hong Kong on 15th April. It was lucky we came in on an early flight. Apparently some late arrivals are having to wait so long in immigration that all the transport services have shut down for the night by the time they get out. Interestingly, the Telegraph is today reporting that the Home Office has been attempting to keep the matter quiet. Reading between the lines it would seem that Heathrow and the Home Office are not the best of friends currently. Heathrow were handing out leaflets to passengers apologising for the delay and urging disgruntled travellers to complain to the Home Office. The Home Office responded by telling Heathrow to stop handing out the leaflets and to stop letting passengers take pictures of immigration queues.

My opinion..

Damian Green (immigration Minister) is giant Dick with no idea what he is doing. He is obsessed with crowd pleasing antics and seems constantly surprised when they are revealed to be ineffectual window dressing. And, as I type this and the row escalates I see that the government is blaming bad weather and delayed flights for the immigration delays. Bullshit! We queued for two solid hours to get through immigration on 15th April, and our flight arrived on time. And that was before the bad weather.

In my last entry I mentioned new legislation in the Netherlands that will mean foreign visitors are not able to buy cannabis in the local coffee shops any longer. The legislation apparently became necessary because the coffee shops have attracted an undesirable tourist element. You can argue the pros and cons, but ultimately this came about because at least some people don’t like what decriminalisation of cannabis did to places like Amsterdam. The funny thing is a Brighton councillor saw the same news and concluded that a great idea would be to open cannabis shops in Brighton to pick up the tourist business that the Netherlands is about to lose. Can anyone else see a flaw in this strategy?

But lets talk about something moire light hearted. If any young ladies out there are thinking of taking part in the Miss Globalcity beauty Pageant in Taiwan, you’re going to have to sign an agreement not to have an affair with any married men. Although, it strikes me that a smart girl may well be able to keep it secret. I mean, an affair that’s not a secret is pretty much not an affair any more if you think about it. It also strikes me as quite difficult to prove. If one of the contestants is accused of having an affair, does the accuser need to provide evidence?

And finally, here’s a maths problem. You buy a pencil and a notebook. They cost £1.10 in total. If the notebook is £1 more than the pencil, how much is the pencil?

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April 30, 2012

5p! I arrived in the UK on 10/3 and waited maybe 10 minutes to get through immigration. My husband came out on 11/4 and had to wait an hour plus, and that was on a Weds, mid-morning. I can’t imagine what it will be like when the Olympics begin…

April 30, 2012

.05 for the pencil, and 1.05 for the notebook.

April 30, 2012

immigration problems, i had them at easter even though i’m an ni native but this was belfast. the uk’s borders, well… say no more, and we wonder why there’s problems.

April 30, 2012

RYN: Sounds like an interesting combo, but sadly I’m already taken. 😉

May 1, 2012

ryn: Well, I’m a math major and work as an actuary, so I’d be a little upset and would probably be forced to find a new career if that was too difficult for me! I’m only here for six months, and I’m doing a sort of corporate exchange program, so even though the work (when there is any at all) is much more dull than I’m used to, I only have to deal with it for a short time. Back in the US,I’m established in my role so I know there will be plenty of stimulating work when I return. I’d much rather be busy than not, but one can do almost anything for only six months.

May 1, 2012

About the cannabis issue in Holland, I think that the new measures show that Holland is not an all-permissive place, they enact reasonable laws, that make their life manageable. The permissive cannabis use laws do not appear to work much worse than the criminalization of cannabis use, but of course you do not want to be become a magnet for foreigners.

May 1, 2012

RYN: IDGI, it’s par for the course but… nah, I don’t get it, there must be something else underlying this… votes, maybe?