An interesting nutter

I think OD has a problem and new entries are not appearing in bookmark lists. I wrote an entry earlier this week that I think no one saw it. This weekend I am intending to sort out Taiwan trip photos, so expect an entry with a few pictures.

I’m fed up with the April weather. There has been nothing but rain and cold since we returned. The Telegraph today is suggesting that we will be hit with storm and tempest throughout May. I just hope it clears up before June 9th, because we all know what happens then!.

The tanker drivers are still threatening to strike. I don’t mind much. I like fewer cars on the road when we can’t get petrol. I can get to work on the train and work from home if I have to. I don’t support the tanker drivers. They’re already overpaid. I did have some sympathy last time when the strike was about high tax on fuel.

Our new fridge-freezer came yesterday. It’s quieter than the old one and has a distinct advantage in that it works. We haven’t had milk in the house since we’ve been back. I don’t like milk, but it’s nice to have some in tea. I like tea. We have to fill it up now. That’s another little task for the weekend.

Anders Breivik is an interesting nutter isn’t he. He went on a rampage in Norway in July and killed a total of 77 people with a bomb and guns. In some sense he appears to be completely sane. He’s not talking rubbish or out of control in any way. He just appears to have incredibly weird and extreme views. He’s opposed to multiculturalism. One psychologist pointed out that there are many people who do share that philosophy to a greater or lesser extent, though most of them don’t go on a killing spree as a result. But he also suggested that Breivik appeared to be unable to separate fantasy and reality. Apparently Breivik played World of Warcraft for up to 16 hours a day for an entire year.

Yet another recording of Mel Gibson shouting and swearing like a man possessed has emerged on the internet. This time he is swearing at Joe Ezsterhas, the guy behind Basic Instinct. I used to think that Gibson was just a really unpleasant man. Now I’m thinking he’s genuinely not playing with a full deck. The guy needs some professional help. Normal people don’t do this.

And here is a little story that amused me this morning. Apparently a debate in the Thai parliament had to be halted after an image of a naked woman appeared on a screen showing footage of the debate. I like the speakers comment. He apparently suggested that the images came from outside the parliament building. What is he, an IT expert? No, he’s a politician, which means he knows precisely nothing about technology. I think we have to assume that someone did it on purpose. Was it a prank, a protest?

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April 19, 2012

yes my bookmarks are not updating either!

April 19, 2012
April 19, 2012

RE Breivik, I think what you say is a little offensive. You have to be really fucked up to do something like that and no amount of “I don’t like multiculturalism” or “I don’t like Muslims” is going to plead your case. He is not an “interesting nutter”, far from it.

April 19, 2012

yes, def’ some kind of problem with the bookmarks list not updating, so annoying. your trip sounds brilliant and i can’t wait to see some pics. i find breivik genuinly scary because of simialr to what you say, on the one hand he comes across as acutally being somewhat intelligent and then on the other…well some of the stuff is terrifying. .

April 20, 2012

RYN: it sorta did, but I know you weren’t. 🙂 I’d say put him in a mental facility for life. I don’t think Ireland should be kept Irish (we should speak the sodding language though), or Poland Polish, multiculturalism is great, but when you have people of different faith hurting others what are we going to think? Again, mental facility. Keep him there.

April 20, 2012

*packs my brothers PC away* I’ve been fasinated with that case.