I’m confused about the Starbucks logo

I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t like not being able to schedule things. This was not a problem for me until I became a husband and father. As a single man, one is in control of one’s schedule. It can also be changed at short notice. If someone calls and suggests going out for a drink, it’s just a question of putting a coat on and leaving. Getting a whole family out of the door however can become a military style operation. There are shoes to find, supplies to pack, arguments to be had about where we are going and how we are going to get there. Then inevitably, just as it looks as though departure is imminent, something will happen to close the launch window. Yesterday it was, “I need a poo”. He was actually standing at the door in his hat and coat, with his shoes on. I almost cried.

I miss the days when I could just walk out of the house and shut the door behind me. It’s possible I am simply anal about time keeping. I seem to have an acute sense of timing that the dragon does not share. It’s a small matter in the grand scheme of things. There are many very good things about being a husband and father.

Last week Sherlock returned to BBC1. Oh how we love Sherlock. In case you haven’t seen it, it’s a modern take on the old Conan-Doyle stories. After watching it I do however find myself looking at people on the train and in the street, trying to work things out about them.

I’m confused about the Starbucks logo. It seems to be a picture of a woman with long hair and two fish tails. Is she a mermaid? Why two tails? What the hell is that all about?

The 11th annual no pants subway ride took place yesterday. Apparently it took place in London, though it was the “no trousers underground ride” there. I quite like the idea of it, but making a special trip into the city for it seemed excessive. It therefore took place without me. It is however exactly six months to the World Naked Bike Ride in London and that most certainly is worth making a special trip for. That will not take place without me.

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January 9, 2012

Strange that you say that. I was playing who wants to be a millionaire on xbox before, and the question was ‘which coffee chains logo is a mermaid with two tails?’. I hadnt paid it much attention before x

January 10, 2012

Talking of logos – somebody pointed out to me yesterday that the London Olympics logo looks like Lisa Simpson giving somebody a blow job. I don’t understand how I didn’t notice that ages ago!

January 10, 2012
February 3, 2012

It’s a bit selfish of me but I say I’m waiting in the car for everyone. That seems to get the family to get a move on. You’re lucky it was just your child wanting a poo – with me it’ll be the partner as well