Zombie Apocalypse

The dragon is currently so happy she can hardly speak because she has been offered a teaching assistant position at the boy’s school. She’s been a bit down about the fact that she couldn’t find a job, and this has really made her feel better.She actually approached the school looking for a voluntary position helping children read. Then they asked her if she would be interested in a lunchtime supervisor position, and when she interviewed they asked her if she would like to take on a teaching assistant position because her CV is full of experience. She was a kindergarten teacher for years in Taiwan.

I’m formulating a survival plan in case the Zombie Apocalypse comes. I started by making a list of things I will need to survive and protect my family. The most difficult things to get will be guns and ammunition. Obviously these are essential for defence and hunting, but they are very difficult to obtain in the UK. I have located some local military bases, and local farms where I can obtain rifles and shot guns. I really want grenades and hand guns however, and these can only be obtained in UK from military bases or police armouries. Ultimately I am planning to travel to the south coast. It’s warmest there and there is seldom snow. Also we can fish. I think it’s best to stay away from urban areas where the zombies are likely to be.

David Cameron has vetoed a new EU treaty. This has pissed off a lot of people, including his coalition partners. I thought he was going to just sign the treaty and take us in. It’s difficult to know how this will pan out. I think the veto is a good move from the public’s point of view. No one wants to be in Europe and this sends the right message. I think it puts the Lib Dems in an awkward position. They are pro Europe, and therefore have to oppose the Cameron position. They don’t want to oppose it too much however because that might wreck the coalition, and they don’t want that.

Today’s nudity story involves the actress Amanda Fairbank Hynes. I’d never heard of her, but she’s definitely made it onto my cool list because she’s doing a naked bungee jump for charity at the O2 arena. Apparently her father was recently diagnosed with a cancer and this is her attempt to raise money for Cancer Research. The event is scheduled to happen on 17th Dec (Friday). I rather doubt it will make it onto tv, but I do hope I can find footage.

Also, kind of sticking with the nudity theme, the famous Turkish baths in Harrogate have stopped their men only sessions due to inappropriate behaviour. Apparently the mixed sessions and ladies only sessions will continue.

Also, Dickie messaged me last night all excited because he has just realised that the next Naked Bike Ride is less than six months away. I’m excited too of course, though six months seems like a long way off to me. June 9th at 3pm in Hyde Park. Put it in your diaries now everyone.

In other news, I just reversed the car into the garage as the wind blew the up-and-over door down, and smashed the back window – DOH! It seems the insurance covers it, with a £60 excess charge. Still, it would have been hundreds otherwise. I shouldn’t complain.

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December 12, 2011

Isn’t that funny, that the UK which is only half-heartedly in the European Community, and who does not take part in the Euro, can actually sabotage the efforts of the others to save the Euro. What an administrative mess.

December 12, 2011

Duh… the queers don’t know how to reign themselves in? Hopefully I’ll get to go before they shut it down altogether!

Congrats to your wife for the new job 🙂

December 12, 2011

well done the dragon! .

December 13, 2011

Oh, lovely! Pass on my congrats. Cameron’s a twat. You’re crazy. And a bit dumb. LOL. Glad the payment of money isn’t too painful!