In the smeg

You know what I think, I’ll tell you, I think our PM has dropped himself in the smeg. He’s already suggesting that he’s going to allow Merkel and Sarkozy to make treaty changes without a UK referendum. Even if the public roll over and let it happen, it’s going to cause a split in his government. On the other hand, if he changes his mind and allows a referendum, it’s going to be a resounding “No”, and he’s not going to be able to survive that. He should have allowed a free vote on a referendum when he had the chance. He would have won. There would have been no referendum, but he would have looked tough on Europe. He’s crapped in his own nest I tell you.

We went to parents’ evening last night, which meant I had to leave work as early as possible. It was slightly embarrassing because we were having a work crisis. It will be a total miracle if I get all my reports out on time this month. On the plus side, the boy’s teacher gave him a glowing report and he’s already reached his summer reading target seven months ahead of time. Yeah, go boy!

I have very little sympathy for Gary McKinnon. If he broke into a computer belonging to the US government, he needs to take responsibility for his actions. I say extradite him. I hate hackers, bloody vandals.

A survey commissioned by Nobby’s Nuts has concluded that Australians like taking their clothes off. It would seem that 65% of the 1,000 people questioned have flashed, stripped in public, done a ‘nuddy run’ or have had a ‘naked day’ at home. The survey was conducted to accompany the new “Nobby’s Nude” range of products. In this case I believe “nude” means no added fat or salt. According to the report,”A quarter of Australians surveyed said they would walk down a main street naked for less than $2,000, with some admitting they would even do it for free “just for kicks”. I wonder if that’s Australian dollars?

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December 7, 2011

Well, in somewhere hot like Oz, getting nude is no big deal. I think a nudey high street stroll would cost you a bit more in somewhere draughty like Aberdeen, for example.

December 7, 2011

RE government, Cameron needs to tell both of em to fuck off. RE McKinnon, Aspie or not, he needs to pay the price. The disability card never saved me from anything, it won’t save the general populace, he shouldn’t be exempt. Prick.