I just wish everyone would bugger off

Smoking in cars, I can’t get worked up about this. They’re talking about legislation to ban it. I say, if you want to smoke in a car, you go ahead and do it. Kill yourself if you like. It’s one less idiot on this overpopulated island. I’m fed up with people. I just want everyone to bugger off and leave me alone.

I’ve written to my MP again complaining about potential new legislation that would make it even more difficult and expensive to bring a foreign spouse into the country. Honestly, I know immigration has to be controlled, and that the numbers are too high currently (thanks Tony Bloody Blair), but targeting foreign spouses won’t bring the numbers down and it will potentially wreck the lives of decent people. Only around 15% of visas issued each year are family visas. And that includes visas granted to whole families who come here to join a single relative, not just foreign spouses. The actual number of visas granted to foreign spouses is minuscule. That’s 15% of net immigration by the way, not 15% of the actual number of people entering the country. The number of family visas granted as a percentage of actual yearly immigrants is much smaller than 15%. Why don’t you target the bastards who come in on student or visitor visas and then vanish? Better yet, why not kick out convicted criminals like Abu Hamza who is costing the tax payer hundreds of thousands of pounds a year to keep in Belmersh prison?

A 60 year old woman has shed all her clothes and gone on a wild rampage in Bay Ridge New York. There are pictures here and here (NSFW). It would seem that she lady went off the rails after seeing a Free Offer poster in a Chinese restaurant window. “This old lady was trashing the place,” nearby store owner, Noreen Monier, told the paper. “I told her to stop and she threw a watermelon at me. She had superhuman strength.” A naked 60-year-old woman with super human strength lobbing water melons around, that sounds like the start of a Monty Python sketch doesn’t it.

Former head of MI5, Baroness Manningham-Buller has joined the growing bunch of nutters calling for the decriminalisation of cannabis. Others in the gang include Richard Branson, Dame Judi Dench, Sting, and former senior police officers. Interestingly, all these idiots are middle aged, don’t have young children, and are wealthy enough to live in nice areas where they don’t have to worry about drug problems. None of them have any relevant qualifications.

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November 17, 2011

This law about not allowing smoking in cars is going to lead to a total ban on smoking. Because if everyone is so concerned about kids getting exposed to smoke in a car, next will be a ban on smoking at home, and everywhere else, maybe except mountaintops.

That 60 year old woman! *LOL!*

Ryn: 33C is awful!! I wish I’m in england now! 🙂 Ps: okay no more laughing at elderly people! But you don’t place elderly people pics too! Choose people our age group! Hahaha

November 18, 2011

That old woman is amazing.

November 18, 2011

Oh so this is the case of the mean majority not tolerating smokers anymore? That is scary. What is next? Not tolerating the gay minority anymore either? Or any other minority?

November 19, 2011

I totally agree of course that opposing minorities is not a sustainable way to run a democracy. But it just sounded like that was happening with the anti-smoking movement..