Tomato Mountain

Nice weekend then, but the dragon seems to have caught a cold or something. She’s aching and has a sore throat. So I hope she gets better soon. And I hope I don’t get it, or the boy come to that. It’s half term coming up. The boy wants to dress as a mummy and go trick or treating.

We have a bit of a tomato mountain at home, so I decided this weekend that we should try making our own ketchup. I was quite surprised at how well it worked. I didn’t have all the spices that the recipe called for in the cupboard, so I improvised. It worked well. However, I used 1kg of tomatoes to make two small jars. It was still fun and I’d recommend giving it a go if you have tomatoes to spare.

One of our Russian clients went live today so we had Russian breakfast shipped in to celebrate. There was actually vodka, but it was a bit early for me. Someone did press a glass of bucks fizz into my hand, and I confess, I did drink it. I now have a double espresso in front of me. There was also lump fish caviare, and potato cakes. It was a novelty, but not something I really enjoyed.

The tax office has announced that millions of people are either going to get a tax rebate, or a demand for unpaid tax due to a cock up. God I hope we get a couple of hundred back.

Apparently a motion has been passed in parliament to allow a vote on whether or not to have a referendum on Europe. Before I actually make a comment on the issue itself, does it strike anyone else as odd that there has been a motion put forward to have a vote on a referendum? Isn’t that like signing a piece of paper to authorise someone to sign a piece of paper? Anyway, the point is, our PM has ordered all Tory MPs to vote against allowing a referendum. That effectively banjaxes the entire thing because the other two parties will vote against it because they are pro-Europe anyway.

I don’t understand it. This is an excellent opportunity to distance ourselves from Europe without anyone losing face. Cameron could and should have made it a free vote.

The Joanna Yeates murder trial is continuing. Today Tabak’s defence claimed that Yeates invited him in for a drink because she was bored, lonely, and at a loose end. Bollocks, if she had been bored or lonely she’d have stayed in the pub with her friends.

The above is another one of those entries compiled over three days. I’m going to start writing properly again.

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Yeah as if joanna yeates was so desperate! Did you add anything else in the tomato ketchup? Such as salt or bit of vinegar and sugar? No preservatives I am sure. But how to estimate the expiry dates of home made ketchup like this?

Hi This is Fortis aka panthiras 🙂 I close my diaries today and start a new one. I’ll explain why later. See you!

October 20, 2011

Tabak should be toast, do you guys still quarter people like in Braveheart?

October 20, 2011

Doing a vote for Europe means an automatic NO I am sure. Unless you are in Greece trying to get more money to bail you out.

November 8, 2011