My day in (lots and lots of) pictures

OK, so I took a picture about every 30 minutes or so today, and this is what happened:

This is our alarm clock. The little shit shouts at me in Chinese every morning and then plays a random tune. I get up around 6.35am on a weekday.

The next job is usually to wake the boy up and kick him out of bed, but this morning he had mysteriously absconded before I got there.

There should be a picture here of breakfast and teeth cleaning, but there isn’t, deal with it. You try holding a toothbrush and a camera at the same time!

Yesterday I drove to work. Today I elected to use the train, which means a bike ride to the station. That’s my favourite bike.

So this is the station. I had to queue for a ticket this morning.

Made it onto the platform for 7.24am. That’s the 7.28 train in the background. It’s the one I get if I’m not late.

On board the 7.28 for Paddington. This is the entertainment console found in the back of every seat in carriage D. Thousands of pounds were spent equipping trains with this state of the art facility/ I’ve never seen anyone use it.

And this is the view down the train corridor.

And this is a view of Didcot power station as it flew by the window.

And this is the shuttle bus that takes me to the office. It runs every 10 minutes and it’s free – Hoorah!

And so we bid farewell to the train station through the bus window.

This is my building, number 100. Easy to remember,

The revolting door didn’t work this morning and I made a tit of myself trying to use it before giving up and using the conventional door.

There’s my desk right over there by the window in the far corner.

My window has trees outside and a gigantic pylon.

And I’m at my desk by 8am. That’s bed to office in less than 90 minutes, not too shabby!

Kind of messy though.

Thought you might like a picture of our awesome coffee machine. He’s my best friend some days.

OK, I did some work here and there are no pictures of it. I did go for a stroll at lunchtime. I wonder how deep that water actually is.

The two coolest people (for completely different reasons) in my office are David, and Alan. That’s David’s Aston Martin. When I grow up, I want to be just like David or Alan.

So then I did some more work until it was going home time. There’s a bus stop right outside the office.

Why is there a mirror on my bus?

And back at the train station, my bloody train is late again. You’ll notice I was there taking a picture at 17.11 of the departure board showing the 17.12 train expected at 17.17.

Where’s my bloody train?

Ah, there it is.

And 20 minutes later I’m back at Swindon to pick up my bike.

It’s a 10 minute ride home, and there’s still time for playing before dinner.

I forgot to take pictures of diner, but here are the dirty dishes.

Bedtime stories (Rumplestiltskin). Crappy picture taken with front camera on my phone.

And so to bed, for the boy anyway.

Washing the dishes you saw earlier.

Throwing together some sandwiches for tomorrow’s lunch.

It’s now 11.45 and I’m typing this half dressed and half asleep. I can’t be bothered to do a picture. This took ages. I’ll do an ordinary entry tomorrow.

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August 31, 2011

2 things I must point out…. number one, that is the most awesome alarm clock EVER and I need one. number two, I haave that same r2d2, butt he’s sat on the dashboard of my car (with a bit of blu-tacky assistance.) you sir, are awesome. X

Such a hectic day but very well-planned and you went through it punctually. And still have time for your family. Amazing. 🙂 The boy is just too gorgeous.

August 31, 2011

fab entry! that’s a good seat you have at work, right in the corner and by the window. also, the boys bed looks very comfortable! .

R: the sequence of photos and explanations are so thorough and informative. I could almost feel being in the same places as you wrote the sequences.

September 1, 2011

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