
It was a good day

And I am strong

Till I was driving home

And cracked 

I called 

Some sort of hotline 

A wreck

I cried

I don’t cry

But the shame was real

The ideas were clear


Like a winning lottery ticket

I could have it all.

Supposed to be better 

On the other side right?

Just park on the tracks

Or swallow some pills.

Then why am I ashamed?

I’ve taken these classes

I know the lines

Every part of her song and dance

It’s ok

Use your tools


Think of the future 

Think of your loved ones

Why do you think I’m calling

I want to scream

The danger has passed 

But the fundamentals click

The toolbox opens

I just want to hear her voice

And not be alone

Read the phone book

Or a nursery rhyme

Nothing  now.

So very tired.

I was strong once.

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July 16, 2018

You can be strong. Moments of pain cannot eliminate strength. You made the call. There are your coping muscles showing.

July 25, 2018



July 16, 2018

You have proven that you are a strong person by asking for help. Always remember that you are valuable to the world, no matter what.

July 25, 2018
June 3, 2022

“I was in love with her SO LONG AGO”

“We’re just friends now. It was nothing”

LESS than a year later the start of something new and forever doomed to fail


you’re a beautiful writer but delusional if you think you told the truth