short run down
here is the short run down.
we went to uncle ronnies wake last night. going to the church today…not sure about the cemetary just yet as it has been pouring all morning and no end in sight. someone started some serious drama over there. still trying to grasp all of it before i even put that in here.
matts supposed to get his unemployment money tomorrow. they flagged his claim as a problem claim and someone was supposed to call him about it and never did. we should be getting that money tomorrow. we managed to scrounge up enough money to cover the rent check so that went out saturday a week late…my landlord is really great and understanding.water payment is going out in the mail to them tomorrow as long as that unemployment deposit hits. i get paid on friday and that will be a sweet check. 17 and a half hours of ot. woohoo.
matts mom has been doing well. she should be able to go home tomorrow providing she has a bowel movement. doctors want to make sure that everything is working out ok. that might be kind of hard as they had her on a liquid diet the last few days. she had asked to be taken off of the morphine because she didnt feel she needed it. she said she was uncomfortable but not in pain.
work has been work. i have been having a hard time trying to keep myself focused with everything that has been goign on. i had a few differences and still may get written up for one of them. i’m looking forward to the start of febuary. i plan to really refocus myself and try to be better at everything that i do.
so thats been about it. getting ready to head to the church shortly and listening to the rain beat the crap out of the screens on the windows.its so nasty outside. have a great monday folks!