dreary day*edit*

its been pretty crappy out since yesterday and its been making not want to do anything. its been raining and the trees are all covered in ice. we are supposed to get some snow by sometime tomorrow. not looking forward to that. i’m cold and i shouldnt be because its almost 70 degrees in here. thats without me turning the heat on. matt and i have natural gas heat here and its pretty expensive. we haven’t turned the heat on yet. i have people living on all sides of my pretty much and they have their heat cranked up. i know we are cheap. the temp in here usually stays around 60-65 degrees so its not to bad. i tried calling that recruiter back from td bank to see what was going on and if i might still be able to interview for the position in little falls and i haven’t heard anything back yet. i am seriously debating calling her back again. i hate when people leave you hanging. its unprofessional. matts been putting the pressure on me once again and even trying to look for jobs for me. i’m getting very irritated with him for doing so. hes been really getting to me as of late and i dont know if its because of the weather, pms, or what. i’m ready to punch him for it.

he put up the suround sound system yesterday and what a mistake that is going to be. he bought it a few years ago for his parents and they never put it up and they were going to get rid of it. matt took it and set it up in our living room. i’m pissed because my living room looks like crap from all of the wires going to the various speakers. i think my neighbors might kill me for it because matt likes to have things very loud. see how long it lasts.

i have been sitting here playing games on pogo and looking for jobs in between. been having a lazy day. then i have to spend the weekend at the diner. really need that money. i still kick myself for being sick last weekend and missing those much needed shifts. at least i’ll get some decent money monday and our rent wont be late. i have to file for unemployment monday to. its depressing with christmas right around the corner. i keep hoping that next year will be a lot better for me.


heres the edit. i heard back from td bank and i so feel like i am being given the run around and being fucked over. they didn’t tell me anything about the job i interviewed for tuesday. they did say that the position in little falls was filled. i have no good feelings from this whatsoever and i feel like crap. i am feeling that i am destined to not find another job anytime soon. grr

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