Been Awhile

Well I realized that I haven’t written in here in awhile. So I thought I would update.

Nothing all that big has happened in the past few weeks or so. I officially hate school, and am considering just dropping out. I’m sick of my parents. Those things aren’t exactly new though.

Today is kinda depressing for me. Three years ago today my now-ex boyfriend broke up with me. I can’t exactly remember the reason he gave me, but I later found out that he had found someone better and had been cheating on me until I don’t know, maybe he felt bad that he was lying to me? I still have to deal with looking at his hideous face every day. And I have to deal with the fact that most of my friends are friends with him and don’t care about how much I hate him and wish he would just fall over dead.

Anyway…haven’t had an actual face-to-face relationship since him. Or before him actually. Unless you count the time when I was in grade 4. But anyway, yea. This sucks.

I really really really miss my old counsellor. Not just because the new one pretty much sucks, just because…he was sort of like a friend, you know? Probably my best friend come to think of it. But since he got transferred I’ve only heard from him twice, just through email, and it’s been over a month since the last time he responded to one of my emails. He’s not the type to forget, so I’m not worried that he’s forgotten about me. I am worried that something may have happened to him though. I dono, it’s probably nothing. I know that I worry too much, I need to stop doing that.

Well I should probably get to bed. I’ve been sleeping way too much lately, but it never seems to be enough. I’m always tired.

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