Greasy, sleazy, and crazy

When I first started this diary my plan was to write in it every single day. Well we can all see that that isn’t happening. Oh well.

It’s not really that I haven’t had anything to write about. Cuz boy, do I ever have stuff to write about. It’s more that I had too much going on inside my head that I couldn’t think straight enough to actually write my thoughts down.

I know that most students think this, but homework really should be banned. I can’t believe how much homework I get every night. It’s insane. I can’t even imagine how all the kids with part-time jobs manage to get everything done. I could not handle a job right now. Even though I know that I desperately need one.

I haven’t even seen boy since like the first day of school this year. That’s pretty sad actually. I have talked to him on MSN though a little bit, and he doesn’t seem to bring up his girlfriend in conversations much anymore. I also found out where he works now so I can kinda casually happen to need a certain fast food when I’m "in the area" and go talk to him at work hehe. I was too busy during my spare yesterday to go find him, and today I lost track of time talking to my friend. I just wanna go at least say hi to him. I don’t want him to think I’ve forgotten about him. Or worse, have him forget about me. I’m hoping to swoop in once he breaks up with his girlfriend (which most likely will never happen, but I can still hope).

I finally heard back from my old counsellor. (It sounds weird referring to him like that. It makes him sound old.) Anyway, he’s doing okay; he’s up at a high school a couple hours away from here. I told him that I missed him and he said that he misses me too. That made me cry. I really do miss him.

When I was walking around with my friend during our spare, we walked by my new counsellor, and I pointed him out to my friend. She either said that he looks "greasy" or "sleazy" or "crazy" I couldn’t exactly tell, and didn’t want to clarify. I think I would agree with any of those points. But I shouldn’t make it seem like he’s all bad. Cuz he really isn’t. He means well, and he’s a nice guy. He can just be a little…I dono…crazy…sometimes. I guess I’m just so used to my previous counsellor that I’m hating everything that’s different about the new guy. I’m still giving him the benefit of the doubt though. The fact that I still show up for our appointments should be indication enough.

Anyways, I should go pretend to look like I’m doing something productive.

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