You think you know someone…

then they turn around and do something that you would never have thought they would do. Something so low it makes you wonder why you’re even friends with this person. Friends are supposed to be there for each other. Be able to talk to each other about anything, actually want to spend time with each other. When a few of my friends went and made plans with each other but didn’t invite me, I started wondering, What kind of friends would do that? Probably not the good kind. My so-called-friends are slowly slipping away, one-by-one. I try to be a good friend to all of my friends, and hope for the same in return. Lately I haven’t been having much luck with that. Three years ago the majority of my friends were three years older than me. Then the end of the school year came, they graduated and went off to college and university. Haven’t talked to at least 3 of them since then. I’m only still in contact with 2 of them. But I don’t see them very often. Maybe once during Christmas holidays, two or three times during the summer. Then they’re back off to their seperate cities, miles away, and I have no way of visiting them. They don’t want to visit here any more than they have to because their families are here. So really, I have three friends who still live in this city and go to my school. I thought we were all pretty good friends…we’re all pretty different but we seem to have a way of getting along with each other so easily. Each one of them has something that annoys me, I must admit, but all-in-all I thought the four of us were really good friends. Looks like I was wrong yet again.

So let’s see…one of them I have known since I moved to this city in grade 3…so that’s 9 years I’ve known her (I’ll call her Emma). And one of them I’ve known since grade 5, so 7 years (she can be Anna), and the other one I’ve known since grade 8, so 4 years (and we’ll call her Chloe). Anna and Chloe are the ones who made plans that didn’t involve the other 2 of us. It might not have been so bad, but they invited 2 or 3 other people who none of us know all that well. Anna has done something like this before, in grade 7, when she threw a party and invited half the people in our grade, but yet somehow didn’t find room to invite her two "best friends" I think I’ve sort of shrugged that off as her attempt to try and be popular. (didn’t work). But I never thought she’d do it again. I’m sure their excuse this time will be that they didn’t think we would want to come. But they could have at least asked, don’t you think?

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September 30, 2006

*Random Noter* I hear ya. My friends are the same way sometimes. If they can even be considered friends.

October 9, 2006

Well, you know you’re still young. When you finally leave the confines of high school, and you go on to college and then regular adult life, you will find friends later on that will really stick with you through thick and thin, and not just through a couple of rough spots, then summarily just flake on you over and over again…well, enough rambling from me… -Rex

October 9, 2006

Oh, one more thing…I know what that feels like, what you were saying in the first part of your entry. I’ve tons of friends kind of just bail on me or not even invite me to do things anymore…and these are ‘friends’ I’ve known since high school. But don’t sweat it too much… -Rex