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I get emotional after sex but usually in a good way

I don’t get angry, but I feel very vulnerable.

January 25, 2012

No, I do get angry until I have sex, but not after.

January 25, 2012

I don’t get angry. It calms and relaxes me.

January 25, 2012

I’ve actually never been mad after that…i’m usually calm, and happy..and full of energy

I get angry if I can’t get there. After I experience a mix of emotions and it all depends on what’s going on in my life, how I feel about being alone when I climax or how I feel about the person I’m with. It’s usually a good, peaceful feeling after, unless my throat is dry from all the heavy breathing and loud noises I make. Now, I have a question for you…do YOU get angry after an orgasm?

Why else would you have asked that question, I wonder. Do share!

I think a woman’s reaction after sex depends on who the person was that they were having sex with. That being said, can’t say I’ve ever been “angry” afterwards ~Anna