on reading amos
cold war breathing
fogging panes and windows
rolled down, lessened
fumes emitted, skin
omitted, evicted from the equation
exoskeleton, calcium silicate
photosynthesize, build
what you hate to endure
the game becomes to procure
the indecision weighed down
pulled down
prostrated, ground
spreading thin
this hasn’t been, thick with sweat
blushing hot, cold within
and it’s all too much to…
all too…
neverending battle to
lay aside
and go to sleep, tonight.
everything and all
yet silent walls
enclose the spaces and release
still comes sweet.
Your word is honey on my lips…
i feel it all float
from my fingertips
and still i
can rest in knowing
You are my shield.
guarding, ever watchful
when my eyes close around
“therefore it is prudent to keep silent
in such a time” (5:13)
You always know…
Oh, my God,
the tears come hot
how is it that You are always right here…?
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gorgeous. xx;
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