Creative Writing Specialization at Coursera/Other Thoughts

Today is the start of my new course at Coursera. I have already done the first lecture for the week because I knew I was gonna be busy crafting and watching movies this afternoon. Plan to do more after I finish this entry. My review so far with these courses is that they are well written, and the professors are great! I do wish we had just a bit more professor/student interaction, but when you’re only paying 50.00 a month for total access, that’s what you get. So far I have gotten 100% across the board on my assignments in Craft of Plot. I have not done anything with Craft of Character, and to be perfectly honest, I am kinda nervous because I have a very specific way I create my characters, and just from the first lecture I know that this professor has a very different approach to it.

I mean, I have done it her way on rare occasions, but usually there is a step that comes before that and that isn’t even mentioned in the first lecture, so we’ll  have to see how that goes.

In other news, it is quite possible my stepfather will be working in the next couple of weeks. Apparently, we’re just barely making it because of the change in things at Mom’s job with Cellular Sales. She is also looking to get out and find something that is way better all around. In fact, she has a phone interview at 11 for the Corporate job at Verizon. Here is hoping she makes it. But back to my Dad working. I’d like to see him have a reason to get up in the morning aside from vacuuming and playing “housewife “. But on the flip side, he is my mode of transportation. If he gets a job before things can be situated there, I’m gonna be screwed out of going to any of my activities, and that feels like such an injustice when I have worked really hard to make myself get out of the house and challenge my anxiety disorder by defying it and being social. (For those who are new to me, I don’t drive due to Cerebral Palsy, and taking Uber is not an option at 20.00 each way to all of my destinations.  God I miss the 8.00 max.)

Mom reassured me yesterday that they would work it out. She promised me that I would not have to give up on my Humana days or my Library Thursdays.  So we’ll see how that goes over.

Oh yeah. I haven’t written since I got this last update. Apparently, my doctor’s office is terrible with communicating steps to their patients. So you guys know how I had been fighting to get my blood glucose meter, strips, and lancets? Well, as it turns out, my doctor never wanted me to have those right away. She’d wanted to have me have that paper just in case. I waited 3 and a half week (longer if you count them not even telling  me it was a prescription and shouldn’t have been with my lab work) just to find out that I was never supposed to have one in the first place until after my 1-hour glucose testing was complete.  Seriously? Way to cause unnecessary anxiety!

Mom and I are still thinking about me changing plans to StayWell, and changing doctors’ offices. My friend M at the library tells me they are way better at taking care of patients with both physical disabilities and mental illnesses. Maybe going to them I would get a therapist here in Hudson.  Because let’s be honest, with all the anxiety issues I’ve got, I probably need to see one at least once a month.  As for my doctor and test results and meter bullshit, I have an appointment on July 6th. Hopefully they will give me everything I need to start taking better care of myself. (Blood sugar wise. I do understand there is no miracle cure for a lot of what I’m dealing with).

Also hoping to discuss options for treating my chronic migraines. I blow through the nine Immetrixes I’m allowed a month in about 2 weeks because I’ve had them so frequently. -sigh-

Okay, getting off here to actually work on course work. See you guys next entry!

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June 25, 2018

Have you heard of botox for your migrains?  Not sure what type but heard about that on tv.  Have fun with this course…I am sure you will do aswomely….

June 25, 2018

@jaythesmartone I actually have, but we haven’t had the chance to talk to my doctor about alternatives yet.  Thankfully, things haven’t reached the level where I end up in the ER. (MOm has had them that bad before, and it’s really scary!)  But it’s bad enough when I have to cancel plans or can’t do the reading I wanna do because of migraine issues.

June 25, 2018

I had a firend who had them but she wouldn’t do what the doctor told her to do. She would get morphine shots and was suppose to stay away from caffine and lie in a dark place. But with an eight year old it’s kind of hard.  Then she went to a pain clinic and I losy touch with her.

June 25, 2018

I hope the new course goes well for you!

June 25, 2018

You have quite a bit on your plate.  My mom would get nerve blocks for headaches. I’m not sure what exactly it entailed though.  I wonder if lunasin might help you with the migraines?  It helped a friend of mine.  (  It’s basically just a nutritional supplement.