
     Oh where do I start, since it has been so long since I put anything down here.  I am really surprised that I even remembered the password to get in, even though it was at one time one of my most used pass words for all my accounts.  I can tell you that I am facing more trouble on this command.  I was lucky enough to pick up my E-6 from the last testing period.  Of course I am not being paid for E-6 yet, so really if I were to get "busted" the Commanding Officer could knock me down to E-4.  It is one of the most messed up things with the Navy, because a person has to wait from a month, or two month up to six months before they are getting paid for the next rank they pick up.  I guess I am one of the lucky ones that has to wait the full six months to get paid.  What got me into trouble though was something as simple as being called in to go pee in a bottle for a "random" pee test.  I was on libery, at home trying to unpack and just get the place looking better, since I am really tired of cluttler in the house.  I get a call and was told that I needed to come pee, so no problem…I have been doing it for 18 years, and I have no problems putting a little bit of pee into a bottle, while someone watches me.  The wife and I loaded the grand-babies up, and off we went to base, so I could do what I needed to do.  Low and behold though, I was in sandles, and we are not suppose to wear open toes shoes on the dock for a while, since we have a unit in dock and the pier is full for crap to work on the unit.  I was wrong for coming up the laders, yet I just needed to pee, so who would have thought that it was going to be a big problem.  It turned out to be a HUGE problem, and some chief is saying I slammed a door in his face while I was leaving to go get "safety" shoes on my feet.  I should be worried, but at the same time I do not want this person to feel he can beat me.  I told him yesterday that I knew I was wrong for being on the dock in what I had on, but all I had to do was pee, and then I was going to leave.  I ended up staying for three hours I think…since I had to take care of some paper work, and talk to my department head.  Back and forth I was going looking for things, lunch, and other crap.  I have duty today, and when I got off watch I did take the time to talk the person that I upset yesterday.  And well, he is just dead set to see me "get what I deserve" since I knew he was behind me when I slammed that door, and that was just total disrsceting him.  (I know I spelled that wrong…)  At the same time, I am not someone that will play 4 year old games of slamming a door in your face.  If I am going to let you know I am pissed, I will stand there, look you in the eyeys and tell you just what I think and or feel.  When I know I am right I am not going to back down.  I knew though, yesterday I was wrong, and I told him right off the start that I was wrong for being in those shoes.  That was not enough for him though, and I did get a bit fired up.  No where enough that I would go to the means of slamming a door in his face.  And the door I slammed in his face, by the time he was out that door yelling at me, I was a good 15 feet away from it.  So how the hell can a person be right beind you, if I am 15 feet away from the door before you are yelling at me…?  I know this person and I do not get along, but I go way the hell out of my way to stay away from him.  I want knowing to do with him, I do not want to see him, or even smell him, since he has to put on enough fo-fo shit to smell like a french whore…!  I know we do not like each other, and that is why I stay the hell away from him.  Yet he can sit there and take me telling him I that do apologize for my part of what happened yesterday, when I am asking him for us to take care of this at out level…between him and I and my department.  The command has far more important things to worry about, than "a door being slammed" in someone’s face.  If I was going to disrespect this chief, I would have stood there looking him in the eye, and gave him a reason to write me up.  Pulling some 4 year old stunt is in no way what Rick would do.  I have been in the Navy far to long, and have seen far to much to sink to a level of a 4 year old when I get upset/pissed off.  And I was not even pissed off, just irritated because he would not shut the hell up about my shoes.  So now…I am going to talk with the CMC of the dock and let him know that I did not slam the door in that guys face, and I know I did not because I looked back before I shut the door.  I will also let him know that I talked with him, and apologized for what I did wrong.  It is not going to hurt doing that, because he wants to see me go up before the CO for this.  That is why I know this guy has problems, because when you are pissed off at things, then someone just pushes that right button, you have to take that step back.  It is not the person that pushed that button that is at fault, it is EVERYTHING at fault.  Take a breath, or ten, look at what is going on, and then go on.  I would have in no way put someone on report for what I did yesterday.  I know I did not slam that door, because I LOOKED before I closed the door.  I even told that person that if I had seen him behind me, I would have heald the door OPEN for him.  Again I am not a 4 YEAR OLD…!  I am about to be 36…and in the damn Navy for 18 years.  It is so time for me to leave.  Of course if I get busted down again, I am going to get out maybe a lot sooner that I think.  No wait, I would get more money for getting kick out because of high year tener, then just being able to retire.  Not that I am going to win either way, but damn it…why do I always seem to get the great run ins with the stupid people…???!!

Welcome  back to my life…!!


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August 20, 2008

10Shun creates fear & tension Be glad they dont flog the ranks OS these day U dont get to eat seabiscuits with rum to kill the mould or weavils or only get payed when if u win the battle

August 21, 2008

Good to see a note from you 🙂 Sounds like craziness in your world!