No idea….

Well I happen to have duty today.  The first duty Sunday for me on this command.  There is less than a month left in the yard period.  The ship is s still a complete mess.  I walked around for a few minutes this morning, and was “WOW” in the condition of everything.  The ship is a mess…!  And what gets me is the fact that a HUGE issue came out because some of the crew still has locks on their lockers.  Well in my 30 minute walk around I saw 8 or 9 locks on lockers.  And these locks are on lockers of the people that were bitching the most about the crew having lockers locked.  I really do not like it when the chiefs and officers think that since they were a different color of uniform they are better than us that are E-6 and below.  To hear the way some of the talk, and act, and the “do as I say, not as I do” crap just makes me dislike them even more.  It doesn’t make it any better for me to have to deal with the daily crap of two people trying to be in charge of my guys.  I am the L.P.O. (Leading Petty Officer).  I was told that liberty would be up to me…yet the second chief has to keep coming up with crap that is pointless to keep my guys here longer.  On Tuesday, I told three of my guys what I wanted done Wednesday, since I wasn’t going to be here.  I had an engagement to go to at a school.  But no, instead of doing this the right way Wednesday, it was half assed Tuesday afternoon, because someone thought there was a box of parts in the space I told my guys to clean out the next day.  So it got cleaned out, but nothing else happened.  I wanted the space cleaned out, and the extra crap in the armory put in the space so the armory could get even more set up to be painted.  I looked in the armory today…nothing happened in there.  Not a damn thing, and now tomorrow I am going to have to put two feet up peoples’ asses because shit didn’t get done.  I for one am the biggest liberty hound out there.  I love going home, I don’t want to be here on this ship, or barge.  I do my job, but holy crap when there has to be limit of the stupid shit.  The idea of letting the L.P.O. do liberty is a good thing, but don’t backstab me all the time.  Come to me like it is suppose to be done.  Do not go to the person and tell them what to do.  Should you do that, then I will not know what is going on, the person that you talk to can always play stupid and say “I don’t know…” or the “well chief told me to do this…”  Then I end up looking stupid for not knowing what is going on.  To think, I have only been here a month, and already hate it.  Well maybe not hate, but it is not what I thought it would be.  Nowhere close to what I thought it would be.  Just keep telling myself 11 more months…11 more months.  Then it will be 10 more months…and so on and so forth.  I don’t think it would help at all though.


Anyway…onto a lighter topic.  Oh wait; I really don’t have one of those.  Well, maybe I do, guess we will just have to see how this comes out via my words.  I happen to have a girlfriend now.  Yes, you read that right.  I asked someone if they wanted to date me.  I have known for some time that she has wanted to date me, but well, I just liked being “free.”  I’m not saying that having two or three different females to chose between to have sex with was bad.  They were all good, and I would go back for more with any of them if I could.  I just didn’t want to date one person.  I guess that is why I held out for as long as I did.  I know I did not have to ask her last night, but I did anyway.  I did to help ease her mind, and well it was something I needed to do.  I chose to do more like it.  Never the less, I’m no longer single…hell I’m still married if you want to get right down to it.  The divorce is not final, but she was served and that is what matters.  I was single enough I guess.  But this lady wants to help me with my kids.  She is 38 years of age, and has two kids of her own.  A 19-year-old son, and a 17-year-old daughter.  The son is married and living in Illinois.  The daughter is home, but going to collage.  The reason she is doing that, she was home schooled.  So she is able to get out there sooner, and get higher educated.  I am going to need to talk to my attorney and see what needs to be done, if anything about her helping me with my kids.  My own family had to get back ground checks before they could see my kids.  So who know what I might have to do, to get the “okay” for her to help me.  Never the less, I am moving ahead with my thoughts.  I have been getting dressers for the rooms.  I still have two more in stor

age should I need to pull them out.  For the size of my apartment though, I am not sure what will be too much.  I want to get bunk beds for the girls.  Would love to get something that has the desk and dressed combo with the beds.  Have the beds sitting off setting.  In shape of an L, is what I mean.  Then it would just be a bed for my son.  That will not be that hard to come up with.  I will need to pay off a couple bills I have outstanding though.  I keep finding them, and paying them off though.  That is what matters.  I have a traffic ticket to take care of too.  144 dollars…!  Not happy, but oh well.  Shit happens.


I’ll go ahead and post now…will come back and write more soon though.


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lemme tell you last night was absolutely perfect…send me a message on yahoo when you can and i will give you the details i omitted in my diary! omg…thats all i have to say…

Well I am happy that you found someone to have in your life, hope she helps you and brings you happiness…HUGS

jeebus man…a few diaries i visit from my faves list…and who do i see notes from?! mr. OD himself lol…god i made you into a monster 😛 btw i am still ridein high from saturday! haha!

tickets, UGH!