It burns…

I thought it was gone…

I thought it was burnt out…

I thought I had gotten away from it for a while…

Never the less, the fire is back, the fire is huge, the fire is hungry.

The fire calls for fuel,

The fire crawls beyond what I can control.

I feel it, I love it, I hate it, I need it, I can’t stand it…yet there it is.  Part of my life part of my eyes, part of my soul, and all of my heart.

I feel it as it pours down my firgers as I touch something, someone…I see fire, I feel heat, I want to see it destory.  I want nothing but to see the world I know burn to asses.

I want to walk amoung the ashes, I want to breath deep the smell of the nothing…I want to hear the nothing.  I want to see the nothing, I want to feel the nothing…

Never the less…it bottles inside me.  I hold it, I watch it, I feel it.  I hate it, yet I love it.  In my life it sits, and around my life it controls.

Fire is life, life is fire…

Simple enough

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nice entry….alot of people feel consumed by their lives and feeling nothing would be better sometimes…

November 9, 2004

WOW i thought this entry was about an STD…”it burns” as a title through me off a little but i get it now!