
Well…Monday evening.  Here I am camped out out in my room, my lap top going via my wireless network…beer is beside me, and lets not forget my “Tostito’s GOLD” chips and cottage cheese.  Got CSI on, and checking the football game on just for a couple minutes.  The football game is good…Denver is losing, but I am sure they will come back and win…seems they do that.  Well not as much as they use to, but still it can happen.  (NEED NEW BEER…)  LOL

One thing I want to talk about…my kids.  My oldest daughter had her top, two front teeth taken out today.  The mother in law did not take the time to make sure that the work that should have been done to the teeth, was done.  So now my oldest daughter had 8 teeth that needed to be fixed, on top of the two front teeth that had to be taken out.  She is just 5 1/2 years old…and lucky enough her adult teeth have not been formed yet.  So the baby teeth were taken out so the crap that was on the baby teeth would not get onto the adult teeth, and cause even more problems to her.  I gave the foster mom two half dollars to put under Brooke’s pillow…the tooth fairy comes tonight.  *wink wink*  The foster mom doesn’t believe in the tooth fairy, but at least she is doing this for me.  She is a good lady, and I am glad my girls are where they are.  My girls are being taken care of so much better now than they were with the mother in law.  It’s sad that the mother in law lost sight of what she was suppose to be doing, instead of all the money that was coming to her because of my kids.  There was at least 1500 dollars coming in a month for my kids…then when the fourth child came into the picture there was at least another 500 dollars coming in due to him.  So we are talking 2000 dollars that the mother in law could do whatever she wanted to do with…and well she did do whatever she wanted to do with it.  You could tell by the NEW big screen TV they had.  The 3 DVD sur-round sound systems they had.  The NEW frig they had…and hell if I knew what else new they had, but it wasn’t for my kids.  It went to HER kids…and all the cancer sticks they blew threw in a day.  We are talking…3, 4 packs a day…at least 2 that I know of.  And of course she had two of her kids that were living off her still.  That so call of mine got some of the money too.  It was just all wrong, and no one listened to me.  It took a new case worker to come in because I was accoused of molesting my kids again.  New alligations were made, and a new case worker had to come in to check this out.  My kids were removed because this new case worker felt the in laws were a flight risk.  The new alligations against me came in just a week before the 18 month hearing…this is where I was going to ask for an extra 6 months of services due to the fact that I was gone 8 of the months that all of this was going on.  Well with the new alligations that came up…the case was put off some more.  Low and behold…the new alligations lead to a new investigation, and never the less, the kids were taken from the mother in law.  Of course what was said I did…was not founded.  That put me back to supervised visits…but I got past that, and got to see my kids again without anyone around.  Not so simple to go from being able to take my kids out on my own, then back to having someone there all the time.  I am back again to superorvised visits…because of some things that my oldest daughter is saying.  And lets not even talk about what she drew…the foster mom talked with Brooke about what she was talking about.  Crayons and paper when it comes to a child doesn’t lie…her “dog poo” when she drew it looked like a penis…!  And no five year old should be able to draw that, as my daughter drew it.  So that is why there is problems…Brooke keeps saying that it was me that made her lick the dog poo…no one else, just me.  Well that is just wrong…no matter what.  I have put up with so much.  I have done so much, and I think I have shown that I am not in the wrong.  The only thing I did wrong was letting “her” back into my house.  Now though…I have someone that wants to help me.  She is older than I am…and she has two kids of her own. One is 19, the other is 17.  So I don’t have to worry about her kids, but she at least know what it is like to have kids.  She is dealing with things though, so I am not sure what, or where that will go.  Her “ex” husband is a real piece of work…or at least that is what she tells me.  Sometimes I wonder if I just fall into that pit of believal…

Sorry about the spelling…but hey, it’s all good.  We all know that spell check here on this site doesn’t work for crap.  But we deal with it.  And if you are a long time reader, you know that my spelling is not the best, but I do make the best of what I got.  I can’t spell, but you know what, I can make some beautiful kids…LOL

Okay, bad joke but I had to close on a good note.

Love to all…!

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October 25, 2004


nice to see you back…

November 9, 2004

i am lost on that 4th child part…i’ll email or email me