
Okay, let me say that this has been by far one of the most messed up, jacked up, and down right nastiest weeks in my life…and it is still only MONDAY…! This command is going threw INSURV, and well yeah it’s a painful inspection, but come on, with as much as we have given to make all this look so good, and be in good moods no matter what, enough is enough…! No one is able to leave until the inspections are done for the day. Ship’s company had to be in by 0615 this morning. That is a whole hour early from normal times, on top of the full workday that was done yesterday. I didn’t leave the ship yesterday until 1815…and I got here at 0630. Only to turn around any leave my house this morning at 0500 to get to work and park in time. I am writing this at work, and will copy/paste it when I get home, but it is 1430 now. There is still about two hour to go before the thought of leaving will even be able to be talked about. No one can leave…it’s just a bunch of crap I tell you. I had to call DMV and cancel the appointment I had with them today because I was told no one could leave. So there is no way I would try to leave knowing that now…in uniform or not. The part I had to do for this inspection was done this morning. Cut and dry…simple and done. I bullshitted with the inspector for a while, he wrote down a couple hits on the gear I have, and that was that. Simple enough…it could have been done in place, but he wanted to see it. The only problem with putting all the gear out was the weight of some of it. I have these two generators that are down right heavy…! We are talking at least 200 pounds with no fuel or oil in them. There is some detectors that I have…they are 60,000 dollars each, plus my almost 4,000 dollar spotlight kit. That is how I get up to 500,000 dollars worth of gear that I am in charge of. Pretty neat stuff really. Anyway, I am just really bent about having to be stuck here today…and then again tomorrow. I don’t care about Wednesday. I have duty that day, and well the ship pulls out for a few hours, and then we are right back in. There is some underway checks that have to be done for INSURV. Nothing big, but it has to be done. I wonder if I will have to miss my DV class tomorrow because of this crap…? I better not miss it. I had to miss the one two weeks ago because I was told at the last minute that I was getting underway with the ship. Class didn’t happen last week for some reason. I was there, but no one else was there. I don’t know why…I should find out tomorrow if we have class. The most we have off is a week though. I will have to make up that class I missed last week though. That will be simple enough, just go sit in on the class Thursday evening. Find out if there is a 1730 class on Thursday, and if so, do that one so I can get home and get some rest. Even though I have duty on Wednesday, I have a feeling I will be rather tired the next day. I always am for some reason. It is going to be good to be done with all this crap too. There is still no word on what will happen this weekend. It is a long one, and well I don’t see us getting Tuesday off. Ship’s company will have to come in Friday…that is just to hear the Captain tell us “Oh good job on INSURV. I didn’t think we would pull it off, but we did. Thank you for doing all the hard work, and the long hours, but here is a long weekend, go enjoy but get ready to get ass fucked again when you get back Tuesday.” It’s always the same thing said…I have heard it to many times, and well it is meaningless any more. There has to be a time when you just stop the madness…let the crew rest and take a break. If you keep pushing, and pushing, and pushing even more, your going to break more than just the spirit of the crew. You are going to break the spirit of the ship. Once that is done, it is to late to go back and do it over. I still don’t know how this ship does it, but she works. She works when she shouldn’t work, but she still goes on. That is why I like this ship. I hate the chain of command; it is by far the worst chain of command I have ever seen. The chiefs’ mess is just a mess…! And don’t even get me going about that wardroom. For you non-military types, that is the place the officers eat, and “hang out…” This is one of the best war ships the Navy has…and people on here act like it’s a play toy for their own libido…! It’s not, oh whom can I screw today, and then work on for tomorrow…? The female officers do it with the enlisted guy, and they do it with male officers too. I am glad that I am older than most of the officers, because I wouldn’t put up with the way they act if they were all hitting on me and stuff like that. Not that they would mind you, because I didn’t hang out where they were while in port over seas. I didn’t talk to them off the ship, and I kept it professional while on the ship. There is time enough for jokes, and a laugh, but enough is enough.

Anyway, I’m going to talk about something else…I do not want to get any more fired up than I already am about this place. So what to talk about…One thing I want to clear up…I have gotten asked a couple of times about this. I wouldn’t have anything to do with the mother in law when it comes to sex. It was the “wife” that wanted to have sex with me while she was over here that one time. Just to think that she was trying so hard to get me turned on…touching me, and the things she said. No thank you at all…! I would have sex with a live light socket before I would have sex with that female again…!

Okay…time to post, and I will write more again…

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Maybe you should name yourself “Amoeba” because in Latin that is “chaos, chaos.” Not that you care, I just noticed and I feel random.

May 24, 2004

That all seems so interesting…I wish I understood what you meant. lol Have a better day tomorrow, sir.

So maybe that is why I havent heard from you…glad you passed inspection….