Just stuff…

Okay, here is what is going on with me…I have duty today, and I just happen to be on watch right now.  A watch where I can sit on my butt all night, and do whatever I want to do.  I have the ball game coming across the speakers, and I am trying to cool off some.  The ship is getting ready for this inspection…and well it is really turning in a HUGE joke.  When this is done, it will be my 6th INSURE inspection.  Things aren’t going to change from the last 3 inspections that I have been threw, and the one that is going to start on Monday.  What has gotten me a bit fired up though…the space I am using for a lot of my Force Protection gear was found to be “unsat” and not ready for this inspection.  Well the guy that talked to me isn’t one of the most liked people on this ship in my book…and when he came at me, well I fired back at him.  Just because he is an officer he thinks he can talk to me like he was…?  I think not…!  I’m not at all about to back down when I know what is going to happen with this inspection.  And the people that are going to come on this ship are not going to care on bit about what is in the desk, on in my filing cabinets.  This office was telling me that battiers are HAZMAT…and well, they aren’t.  Not when I need them for my gear.  They are stored in a cool place, and putting them in the trash can is no better than having them in the desk where they were sitting.  So now I am going to have to come back to the ship after my 10:00 appointment with my doctor.  I was looking forward to taking the time and getting the oil and transmission fluids replaced, I was going to rotate my tires, and change the spark plugs and wires.  So when I get off watch, I will take some time to go threw the space and see what he was talking about.  He said he left a note in the space…or something.  I don’t know…All I know is that I didn’t see anything, and well he needs to keep his damn nose the hell out of places that aren’t going to be looked in.  Oh wait…he is an officer, and he knows all…I’m just an enlisted guy that doesn’t know anything at all.  So we are using his space…that doesn’t really mean a damn thing to me.  I am gone in two weeks…and it’s not going to happen soon enough…!  Just getting threw the next week won’t happen fast enough.  I am glad that I have duty next Wednesday…we are underway that day.  We will leave at like 0600 or something like that…and pull back in at like 2000.  It still counts as a duty day though…!  It’s already said that we are going to be in Monday morning at like 0530 or 0600.  So I will be a grumpy person for most of next week…little sleep, and far to many stupid people all over the place on this ship.  I’m just bent that I will have to come back here tomorrow. 

Lets see…the Buick that I bought, well she up and died on my yesterday.  I was on the free way, and while I was going it stuttered, and then just died.  I got it off the road, and tried starting it a few times.  Well the way it sounded and acted…to me it would have been the fuel pump.  And well I was right…and it is costing me 560 dollars to get it fixed…!  New fuel pump, new fuel filter, and the injectors cleaned.  Of course most of this price is labor though.  The gas tank is going to have to come down…and well I have a FULL tank of gas.  It will be inter-resting to see how much is gone when I get my car back tomorrow.  It’s not like Firestone will replace the gas that they have to take out, or that spills out while doing all the work.  Gas on base is $2.21 a gallon…!  Out in town you will see it for $2.23 to $2.35 a gallon.  Had I said okay to everything that was said needed to be done…the bill would have been over a 1000 dollars…!  That would have been for 4 new tires and a life time alignment though…as well as the hole fuel system done.  So what I was going to do tomorrow after I saw my doctor, was to get a new oil filter, and trany fluid…and go do that up.  I have new spark plugs and wires…so those were going to go in.  I was also going to rotate my tires.  It would be like 4 hours of work…if that long for me.  I would be done with my doctor by 11:00…I would go home for a minute, dropping my oil leaking Mazda off.  Walk over to Firestone to get my Buick.  Go to Wal Mart and get what I need, and them go to the auto shop to do the work I want to do.  Now though…I am not going to be able to do.  I will have to drop the Mazda off, get the Buick and come back to base to deal with stupid people for a while.  That is going to make the guy I work with really happy…he and I both are getting really tired of this crap.  This hole getting ready for this inspection crap.  On Saturday I am going to help the in laws pack and move…they are going back into the house with the farther in laws mother.  So it will be the great grandma, the nana and the granddad all in one house with 4 kids.  Talk about inter-resting…!  Well in father in laws’ mom is sick, and I know she doesn’t want to be alone.  That is why she is so okay with them moving back in with her.  She has like 6 months to a year left…so say the doctors.  Just what my kids need to be around…but we will see though. 

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