Okay, so it’s been a while since I put anything in here, and I do have some things to talk about.  First off…all the work I have done to my Mazda was for no reason.  My Mazda went and blew a main oil seal…and now she sits at my aprartment complex, with this HUGE oil spill under it.  It was sitting at the in laws for three days…I dropped it off there Wednesday morning and got my Ford so I could drive around San Diego.  Then on Thursday I got a different car.  There was this Buick for sale right around the corner from where I live…it was going for 1500 dollars…as is.  It is a 1992 Buick Regal custom.  Nice looking car, even if there is some paint spotting going on.  There is something going on with the car doors, and two of my windows too…And most important, I will have to knock the vent motor free.  It’s not working either…The motor is good though, and the transmision is good.  I need to change all the fluids though…it was parked for two years, and nothing was done to it until I bought it.  At least that is my best guess…I didn’t ask the guy about that yet.  I might though…even though I can tell by the color of the oil that it has been in there for a while.  It’s all black, and thick…not good, but I will get it taken care of soon enough.  A new filter for the transmision should be kept in mind too…but that will take me a little while longer to do than just an oil change.  But it is something that needs to be done…it does, yeap, yeap, yeap…!

Now back to the Mazda though…the motor is still going strong, but that leak is just far to great to even try to go anywhere in that car.  I start it up, and then stop it, oil just goes all over the place.  There is so much oil all over the wheel well, and under the car it’s just a mess.  There is even oil coming out the holes on my tire rim…that is how bad it has gotten…!  I put a quart in her just before I left the in laws house, and I know I lost it all in the short trip from there to my place.  I only live 12 miles from them…and I did take the free way…pushed the car at 65 miles an hour.  The temp was running fine, the motor wasn’t at all hurting.  But when I got home, the trail of oil was just amazing…and of course when I stopped and turned the motor off, there it was dripping.  I’m not sure how much will be left when I get home Monday, but I should take a picture of the oil on the ground, under my car.  I am going to wait and see what happens with me…I want to rebuild the Mazda…just to have something to do.  I can do it, and well I want to do it.  It’s just right now I don’t really have all the time I would need for something like this.  It would take me a month or so of working off and on, on the car.  I would have to take the motor out of course.  That would mean I would have to remove the two new axles that I have put on…and well a lot of other work too.  I don’t have the 400 dollars for all the new engine mounts though.  I will need to rebuild the clutch, and the transmision.  Might as well since it’s all going to be apart.  I won’t be able to take back all the parts I just got in for the Mazda either…I spent at least 250 in tie rods, control arm mounts, ball joints, and sway bar mounts.  When I am done with the ship I am on now, the Fitzgerald, I will have a better idea of what will be going on in my life.  At least I hope so…but right now things are going pretty good for me.  I am going to be putting a foot in someone’s ass though if I find out that someone hasn’t been servered with the divorce papers.  I gave my attorny the address to where she is living at least three weeks ago…and I know she is there, because I was there just yesterday…!  I didn’t want to be there, but I was being the nice person and stopped over to give her some clothes that were in my storage locker.  I had thought about just throwing it all away…all the clothes in there, but I was being nice…and well there was some of my things in there that I may still want.  There is a box that has stuff in it that I need to get washed that is mine, that is still good to wear.  I am going to need to do some wash soon too…almost out of clean white socks.  Not that that should ever happen…I have more socks than any 6 people need…!  The reason that is though, there was a couple of pillow cases in storage that has nothing but socks in them…I have those at my place, and I was going to sort threw them, and see what is good, and what to get rid of.  Socks make good dust rags though…I just wish you could flush ’em down the toilet.  If you could that, then I would be set for a good long while when it comes to things to use to clean my bathrooms.  I need to do that, that is the only reason why I am talking about that.  It is a good thing to have a clean toilet…at least it is for me.  A clean bathroom is important period. 

So…I took two boxes of clothes over to her yesterday…and she has the gull to try to stand there and makes jokes with me.  I didn’t even want to be there…and to have her standing there trying to hug up on me, and think that I was going laugh with her….come on now…!  She at least asked for a hug…and I told her that is was asking for to much…even though she did anyway.  There is a shirt I have that was hers…it’s a Spider Man shirt…she asked if it was in the box of clothes.  I told her no…and she isn’t going to get it back either.  I have it, and it’s that simple.  But when she called to thank me, she had to bring it back up again.  One thing I thought that was inter-resting though…when I called and told her that I was going to bring the clothes over before 4:00 pm, she said that she was not there, and would be there at 2:30…well I got there at 2:10…and at 2:15 she was calling me, telling me that she sees me.  I didn’t see her walking up to the house, and she didn’t walk past the car from the street where the buses run…so what is she hiding…?  Not that I care, but it’s just inter-resting.  And the reason she wanted me to come by after 4:00 was because she had a meeting to go to at 3:00…well at 3:40 is when she called asking me if there was anything more clothes wise in storage.  I don’t know what she was thinking I was going to bring her…but most of what I brought is all that there was of hers.  There may be an item here or there…but not another big box like she did get.  Well two boxes.  One was a computer box from DELL that a moniter came in…and there just some older box that was used from the people that packed the house up for me.  Anyway…that’s not going to happen again though…I’m not going over there, and I am not going to deal with her any more…!

I was told by the mother in law that they are going to move back into the house they were living in a year ago.  The reason they moved was to get the kids out of the foster house they were in…the father in laws’ mother wasn’t going to let her house get changed into a place for three small kids.  Well I gu

ess it has gotten to the point where she isn’t able to take care of the bills, and is just getting really forgetfull.  Her phone was turned off because she didn’t pay the bill for three years.  So in June then are going to start moving back down there.  I told the mother in law that I will help…that way I can get my stuff back that they have, or see all of what they do have.  I believe that some of the stuff they have will end up in my storage locker too.  I have the room for it too.  Now that I am getting all the clothes out of the way, there is a lot more room in there.  Of course should I bring the stuff from my place back, and put back in there, it will be a little less room, but I have storage bins for all my stuff.  That is why I took it home, to sort it out, and get it into bins for myself, my kids, and “her…”  That will be inter-resting to say the least.  They move, there is no way I will pay anything more to them.  I was told that I don’t have to pay anything as it is…but holy crap the money they will have should they move…!!!  I thought I was making some money, shit it will be nothing compaired to what they will have coming in.  No rent…a lot smaller of a phone bill (over all), share the cable bill…and the other bills.  No rent is a big one though…

Anyway…time to post.  More to come soon.  Rick

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Sorry to hear that things arent going so good right now…